Skinsource, a project to recover touch

Wednesday 24 April 2024 – 07:30

A joint study byUniversity of Pisa and that of Santa Barbara, California, he developed the project Skinsourcea tool that allows you to obtain tactile sensations for the upper limbsin response to measuring and modeling skin vibrations.

The instrument has aroused great enthusiasm in the international scientific community, and for this reason it was awarded the recognition Best Paper Award at the IEEE Haptics Symposiuman important global conference in the haptics sector.

“The sense of touch – he explained Matteo Bianchi, professor of Robotics at the Department of Information Engineering – is the most complex and widespread throughout the body. Our tactile sensations depend not only on local receptors in the skin, but also on several other factors, such as vibrations that spread through the hand and arm the moment we touch an object. Touch is a key sense for both proprioceptionthat is, the ability to perceive our body as placed in space, both forexteroceptionthat is, the ability to understand the physical properties of objects. In short, it is with touch that we know if we are in a stable position, if we are holding a paper cup straight enough not to knock it over, but delicately enough not to crush it.”

“Our device is capable of predict the extent and intensity of vibrations which are transmitted along the upper limbs following different types of localized force stimuli, in an accurate way – he concluded – the toolbox And open source and so it is available to the entire scientific community who wants to use it. Precisely this aspect, given the complexity and difficulty of reliably reproducing tactile sensations, was welcomed with great enthusiasm.”


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