Ravenna, they had lost the use of speech due to a stroke, now they sing in a choir

Ravenna, they had lost the use of speech due to a stroke, now they sing in a choir
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From the drama of the stroke to rebirth thanks to music: it is the parable of the Aphasic Choir, which will perform on Sunday 21 April 2024 at 10am in the Salone delle Feste of Palazzo Rasponi. The event, entitled “Not to be left speechless”, is promoted by ALICe. Ravenna – Association for the Fight against Cerebral Stroke Odv in collaboration with the Municipality. The Aphasic Choir is an unprecedented team, born from a therapeutic-rehabilitative experience within a course of music therapy integrated with speech therapy: a project aimed at people who have seen their verbal language compromised following a stroke.

The work was conducted by the music therapist Jenny Burnazzi, in synergy with the speech therapist Francesca Ballarini, with the aim of improving the prosodic aspects of speech, stimulating verbal production both in the dimension of singing and in conversation, stimulating sensorimotor coordination and of fine movements, stimulating cognitive activities of a mnemonic and attentional nature. A preparation that allowed those who took part in the project to face the rehabilitation process alongside professionals, and then give life to the Aphasic Choir. In short, an initiative that was able to combine medical, psychological and social aspects.

«The bond between man and music is well-known and profound – explain the curators of the project -. From birth the individual is immersed in a bath of musically characterized sounds which are the first form of communication with the outside world and the foundation of verbal expression. Throughout life, music continues to influence our state of mind, arousing sensations and emotions and stimulating the emergence of memories.” Neuroscience research confirms that musical activity involves every known region of the brain, including the regions responsible for processing emotions, language and movement, stimulating their activation. «The controlled use of music and sound components within a therapeutic relationship by a specialized professional – the organizers continue – defines and characterizes the music therapy intervention as a precious rehabilitative resource for these reasons. The flexibility of the musical medium allows it to adapt to the resources of the individual and to support him in an engagement on the physical, intellectual and socio-emotional levels, allowing to stimulate, increase and counteract the deterioration of residual abilities”.

Representatives of the municipal administration and the president of ALICe will participate in Sunday’s event. Ravenna Odv, Daniela Toschi.


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