Taranto, Pediatric Oncohaematology: the families of the students of the ICS “G. Giannone” of Pulsano donate the Ciuspy multitouch totem

Taranto – Another interesting gift for the boys and girls treated in the department directed by the doctor Valerio Cecinati: thanks to the generosity of the families of the young students of the“Giannone” State Comprehensive Institute of Pulsano, arrived in these days at the Unit’s day hospital Pediatric Oncohematology “Nadia Toffa” the Ciuspy multitouch totem.

It is a totem with touchscreen technology, customized and programmed with activities capable of entertaining boys and girls during waiting periods and treatments which complements the one that has already been present in the department for a few months thanks to the donation made by the same manufacturing company, VGPlay.

Given the great success that this first totem had achieved among young patients, Simba OdV shared the desire to purchase another one with some parents who immediately took action, involving the families of 27 classes of the Pulsanese institute. Thus, the sum necessary for the purchase of the second Ciuspy totem was raised which, in recent days, arrived in the ward, accompanied by sweet notes and messages of encouragement and friendship, to the joy of the little ones in therapy.

“The solidarity and affection that surround the pediatric oncohematology departments are touching – declared the general director Gregorio Colacicco – I thank all the people involved in this initiative for their generosity and the ever-present Simba volunteers who are very attentive to the needs of young patients and their families”.


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