The Poetry of the Moment in “Attimi” by Gianfranco Isetta. Review of Alessandria today

The Poetry of the Moment in “Attimi” by Gianfranco Isetta. Review of Alessandria today
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Gianfranco Isetta in “Attimi” captures the ephemeral essence of existence through a language that exudes tranquility and reflection. This poem is an open window onto those indescribable moments that transcend language itself, moments that have their roots in the sands of time as a metaphor for a life that inevitably consumes its illusions.

A Desert of Silence

Isetta describes moments of life that “are born by chance”, almost suggesting that their value lies precisely in their impalpability and unpredictability. The desert sand evokes a vast and absorbing silence, where every echo of hope seems to fade, but also where revelation and truth can arise in their purest silence.

The Irreverence of Time

The “irreverent moments” refer to a sense of defiance of conventions, an existence that oscillates between silent rebellion and quiet acceptance. Isetta seems to face the paradox of life: the need to fully live every moment, aware of their fleetingness and their existential weight.

A Breath of Life

“Attimi” is not just a poem, but a sigh of the soul, a short, deep breath that we take when we try to grasp the indefinable. The word “contains” that closes the composition becomes a glass that welcomes the very essence of living, an invitation to stop, observe, and perhaps find meaning in the folds of time.

In this short work, Isetta has created an ode to life in its most elusive and unfathomable moments, an invitation to celebrate moments, despite their irreverent and silent fluidity.

INSTANTS. by Gianfranco Isetta

There are moments
that arise by chance
those who the word
It does not contain
immersed in the sand
of a desert that extinguishes
fragrance illusions
irreverent moments
necessary for life
which contains.

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