«We drive around in Lamborghinis and dine on champagne»

Wanna Marchi, the former queen of teleshopping, and her daughter Stefania Nobile are still two stars. Highly sought after by television. Also from Bruno Vespa. «I’m not even going there dead!», she exclaims to the weekly Gente who met them a few hours after their departure for Miami. Not bad. Two stars that people still stop on the street for a selfie. Their story has traveled around Italy, including the islands. Everything is known about them, including prison. By the way: «I don’t wish this on anyone. To those I hate, I wish death, not prison”, Stefania tells the weekly magazine directed by Umberto Brindani.

The sentence

Mother and daughter were convicted of fraudulent bankruptcy, aggravated fraud and criminal conspiracy to commit fraud. After serving 9 years and six months since 2015 they are free and still very wealthy. In Milan, it is not the first time that they are paparazzi with super cars, they also drive around with a Lamborghini Urus worth 250 thousand euros. In short, they managed to put a little something aside. «We had invested in restaurants and in some venues between Milan and Albania. And I continue to carry out these activities. My mother stays with me, also because customers want Wanna Marchi at the table: they love her and want to hear her stories.”

Stefania still feels a lot of anger. And she tells Gente everything: «What happened to us was of no use. There are millions of magicians and they are all still there practicing at home, in the cellar, and in the black. They do much more damage than those of which we who operated openly with our company have been accused. In short, after our affair I would have expected an “anti-magician decree”. And yet nothing. The thing that hurts Stefania the most is that her mother is no longer in the world of the small screen: «I would like to see my mother on television again. That’s her place.” Here Wanna intervenes: «I would like to host a talk that gives people a voice».

Life in luxury

But even without TV they are doing really well. Because beyond the toy cars there is also champagne! «We live in luxury: I sell champagne! Every evening we drink crazy bottles that the customers of the clubs offer us, we eat caviar and we live a beautiful life, but we don’t spend anything. I am an employee of my ex-partner. I have a good salary. We used to make billions, but we didn’t have time to spend them. Today we don’t earn the same amounts, but we have learned to enjoy life.” It is useless to ask her if the Italians have forgiven them. «Those who are frustrated, rage against us and consider us the synthesis of all evils. They see us as stronger than before and so we’re screwed. And happy to be.” Then there are Wanna’s wishes to be fulfilled: «I am a hairdresser addict, I can’t do without it. I would like to have a personal one to always carry with me. My greatest desire, however, is to live permanently in Albania: I feel at home there.” Meanwhile, Netflix is ​​preparing a second series. «A new serial project is cooking, I don’t rule out the possibility of starting again from the reunion with Do Nascimento». But “we will talk about our present, how we live today”.


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