“Health problems”. The rapper in social silence

“Health problems”. The rapper in social silence
“Health problems”. The rapper in social silence

Fedez will not participate in the first episode of “Up close, no one is normal“, the new show by Alessandro Cattelan broadcast from Monday 20 May on Rai2. The rapper has given a lump sum for «Health problems». Rai announced it with a note: «As agreed with the artist’s press office, we inform you that, contrary to what was announced, for health reasons Fedez will not be able to participate in the debut episode of “Up close, no one is normal”» .

Fedez and the “reputational crisis”, Camaiora: «He is no longer a rapper from Rozzano, if the Peter Pan syndrome continues he will end up like Morgan»

The case of the beating of Cristiano Iovino

In recent days the rumor had circulated that Fedez would not take part in the broadcast as he was investigated in the investigation into the beating of the personal trainer Cristiano Iovino.

News that had been denied. But now comes another stop, officially for personal reasons.

How is Fedez?

There are no official updates on Fedez’s actual health conditions: all we know is that the ex-husband of Chiara Ferragni he hasn’t posted anything on his Instagram stories for at least 24 hours. The last post, however, dates back to May 7th. Which was rather unusual for him.

Cattelan’s new broadcast

Three appointments, May 20th and 27th and June 3rd at 9.20pm on Rai2, for the program “From close up nobody is normal” hosted by Alessandro Cattelan. It is an unprecedented people show that will delve into small and large human foibles in an original and fun way. On Monday 20 May, on the occasion of the first episode, the following will be present: The Kolors, Tananai, Federica Pellegrini, Antonio Cassano, Nicola Ventola and Lele Adani. Many mechanisms and means that Alessandro will use during each evening to answer life’s fateful questions: from the comic monologue to the candid camera, from social experiments to games with the public, up to the exhibition of great guests in spectacular performances and surprising interactions. Cattelan will be accompanied during the program by the music of the Street Clerks and 4 guests who will make up the fixed cast: Samuele Colajanni, Francesco Fanucchi, Giorgia Fumo and Matto Varini.


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