Healthy and shiny hair, nothing more than products and supplements: you just need to eat this every day and you’re done

Healthy and strong hair (Source Depositphotos) –

Finally a study has revealed the mystery of obtaining healthy, strong and shiny hair. The secret is nutrition, but which one?

Taking care of yourself is essential to living a healthy and satisfying life. The more you take care of yourself, the more positive aspects impact your self humor, improving it. A crucial aspect of this is nutrition. What we eat doesn’t just affect our physical health, in fact.

A balanced diet is essential to keep your body functioning optimally. It is no coincidence, in fact, that some signs of being unhealthy can be found, for example, from color of your nails of the feet, the type of skin and the quantity and type of hair possessed.

All these factors are influenced by the type of food we ingest. Especially with regards to one’s hair, unless there are specific genetic problems, it has always been thought that consuming a variety of foods rich in vitaminsminerals and nutrients would help prevent their loss.

In general, food is essential for controlling diseases, improving mood or increasing energy levels. For example, fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants that protect cells, while lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats are crucial to the functioning of immune system. What about the hair?

Food to nourish hair

Hair requires specific nutrients to grow strong and healthy. Specifically, it has always been thought that there was a need to take vitamins such as biotin, i.e. the group of vitamins B7 and the vitamin D. Furthermore, minerals such as iron and zinc also play a vital role in the hair growth cycle.

The first, that is, biotin, is particularly known in the scientific sector for its ability to fuel hair growth, while iron helps to bring oxygen to the follicles hairs. However, for many years it was believed that all these vitamins could be taken from fruit and vegetables, but a recent study confirms the opposite. The nutritionist talked about it Alice Carnival.

Alice Carnevale (Web Source) –

Nutritionist’s advice

To have healthy, strong and shiny hair, second Alice Carnival you need to eat three specific foods. According to the specialist, these three foods contain vitamins useful for fueling the oxygenation of the follicles and everything necessary for your scalp to thrive.

The three foods in question are the following: liver, beef And shrimp. These foods contain the vitamin groups mentioned, which allow you to protect your hair from the roots. But be careful: you should always consult your doctor before changing your diet.

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