Gastric cancer: late diagnosis in 4 out of 5 cases

Crucial role of family doctors in the prevention of stomach cancer. Helicobacter pylori infection serious risk factor. “Enhancing psycho-oncology services”

04/28/2024 – by Alessandro Malpelo

Gastric cancer it is a neoplasm that affects the cells of the stomach. It mainly manifests itself with symptoms such as abdominal pain, weight loss, fatigue, difficulty in digestion, nausea and vomiting. The diagnosis arrives late in 4 out of 5 cases because the symptoms are often vague and can be confused with other conditions (acidity, reflux, gastritis) in addition to the fact that many people ignore the appropriate checks for prevention.

Helicobacter pylori it is a bacterium that can colonize the stomach and cause gastritis, i.e. inflammation. The presence of this bacterium is considered an important risk factor for the development of gastric cancer, because chronic infection can cause damage to the gastric mucosa and promote the formation of tumor cells. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection can help prevent gastric cancer. Leveraging family doctors to prevent stomach cancer means promoting awareness of the risk factors of the disease and encouraging checks to identify any suspicious signs early.

“New cases of gastric cancer in our country exceed 15 thousand per year and the incidence is constantly increasing, while available therapies are still limited,” he states Claudia Santangelo, President of “Living Without Stomaco (it is possible)”. “It is essential to identify the neoplasm early through tests such as gastroscopy.” Often, however, we tend to underestimate the symptoms and prescribe only antacid drugs instead of investigating them with specific tests. “Eradicating the Helicobacter pylori bacterium is essential to prevent the disease,” he underlines Elisa MandolesiFamily doctor in Ferrara.

Gastric cancer mostly affects older men, with half of patients over the age of 75. “Assistance cannot be limited to the administration of therapies, but it is essential to guarantee qualified psychological support,” he adds Paolo GrittiPast-President of the Italian Society of Psycho-Oncology.

It is therefore important to raise awareness among the population of the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of gastric cancer, in order to guarantee a better quality of life and greater chances of recovery for those who find themselves diagnosed with stomach cancer and are undergoing treatment.

“Psycho-oncology – continues the president Claudia Santangelo – it is an important service, it must be ensured for all patients with gastric cancer. The emotional repercussions can negatively influence the course of the pathology and the body’s response to treatment.” “The removal of the stomach – he concludes Maurizio Muscaritoli, president of SINUC Italian Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism – causes problems in the absorption of vitamins and minerals through daily nutrition. Taking calcium, iron or vitamins D and B12 supplements is sometimes essential for patients. However, it is only the nutritionist’s job to manage additional food and nutritional interventions. Finally, access to food for special medical purposes, which is essential for many of our patients, must be facilitated.”

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