Carbohydrates: Importance, Frequency and Advice

THE carbohydrates they represent a fundamental component of our diet, providing immediate energy and serving as a primary source of nourishment for our brain and muscles. Although they are often viewed with suspicion in modern diets, it is essential to understand their crucial role in our health and also the frequency of how much carbohydrates should be eaten.

The Role of Carbohydrates in the Diet

THE carbohydrates they are found in a wide range of foods, from cereals to vegetables, including fruit and legumes. They are distinguished in simple And complex:

  • Simple carbohydrates: rapidly absorbed by the body and present in natural sugars such as those in fruit, but also in added sugars present in sweets and drinks.
  • Complex carbohydrates: present in whole grains, starchy vegetables and legumes. Digested more slowly, they provide a more stable energy release over time.

Frequency of Carbohydrate Consumption

The crucial question is not so much “How many times a week can you eat carbohydrates?”, but rather “How many times a day can you eat carbohydrates?”. The answer, surprising to many, is “at every main meal”.

Calibrate Calorie Intake for Body Weight

Once the percentage of carbohydrates to include in your diet, it is essential to ensure that your total calorie intake is tailored to your specific body weight needs. This applies both to those who want to maintain weight and to those who aim to lose or gain body mass.

  • Weight Maintenance: consume calories that match your basal metabolic rate and physical activity level.
  • Weight loss: Create a calorie deficit sustainably by reducing calorie intake or increasing energy expenditure through exercise.
  • Weight Gain: create a caloric surplus, consuming more calories than burned, focusing on nutritious and energy-rich foods.

Tips for Healthy Eating and Carbohydrate Frequency

  • Choose Integral Sources: favor whole grains rather than refined ones to benefit from fiber and nutrients.
  • Sources vary: include a variety of carbohydrates in your diet to get a broad spectrum of nutrients.
  • Fruits and vegetables: consume a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to get healthy carbohydrates and other essential nutrients.
  • Beware of Added Sugars: Limit the consumption of foods and drinks with added sugars to avoid health problems.

Eat carbohydrates it is crucial for a balanced diet. Choosing the right types and quantities of carbohydrates depends on your individual lifestyle and health needs. The frequency of consumption should be balanced in each main meal, paying attention to both quality and quantity.

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