can we go to work?

Can an employee who tests positive for Coronavirus show up to work or does he or she necessarily have to call in sick? Is the swab mandatory?

Covid-19 is a disease that has profoundly changed our lives and habits. Among the many questions we ask ourselves, one concerns our work: can we continue to do it even if we are positive for the virus? In other words: Can you go to work with Covid? Let’s see together what are the cases in which you can or must stay at home and what are the rights and duties of workers who test positive for Coronavirus.

If I test positive for Covid, do I have to stay in quarantine?

Until recently, the answer was yes.

Who was it? positive for Covideven if asymptomatic or with mild symptoms, had to stay in home isolation for at least 5 days, waiting for a negative swab.

This measure was aimed at limiting the spread of the virus and to protect public health.

However, with the passage from pandemic to endemicthe rules have changed.

Now Covid is considered as a any other viral disease and there is no longer an obligation to quarantine for those who test positive.

This means that you can leave the house and go to workunless you have serious symptoms that compromise your ability to work.

If I test positive for Covid am I entitled to sick pay?

Also in this case, the situation has changed compared to the past.

Before, it was enough positive swab to be entitled tosickness benefitregardless of health status.

Now, however, the positive swab alone is no longer sufficient: you have to prove that you are sick and that you are unable to do your job, as with any other pathology.

So if you are asymptomatic or with mild symptoms, you are not entitled to sick pay unless you work in sectors at risk of contagionsuch as healthcare or education.

In these cases, in fact, specific rules apply which provide for the prohibited from working for those who test positive for Covid and the recognition of sick pay.

Can those who test positive for Covid go to work?

In light of what has just been said, we can state that those who test positive for Covid can go to workas the Coronavirus is equated to a normal one viral flu.

It will therefore be up to the employee to verify whether his health conditions are such as to prevent him from carrying out his work activity; in this case, you will still need proof of your own family doctoras we will see in the next paragraph.

Unlike what happened in the past, therefore, there is no prohibition for the workerwho can regularly go to the company even if he/she has to submit a request Covid symptoms


Covid: how to obtain a sick certificate?

In case of testing positive for Covid, to obtain the illness certificate which justifies the absence from work, you must contact your own doctorwho will have to evaluate health conditions in relation to working capacity.

The doctor will issue the certificate only if he finds symptoms such as to prevent the work from being carried out.

It is not necessary to have a positive swabbut not even negative: Covid, in fact, is treated as a any infectious disease and no longer requires a swab for recovery, except to access health or care facilities (RSA, etc.).

The sick note cannot be released by telephonebut only after an in-person medical examination.

Furthermore, the worker must always be available for any emergencies tax visits.

What are the consequences if I go to work testing positive for Covid?

If you go to work positive for Covid there is a risk of exposing colleagues (and customers) to contagion, with possible

disciplinary consequences by the employer, if workplace safety regulations are violated.

For this reason, it is advisable to inform your boss of the situation and agree with him working methods more adequate.

If possible, you can opt for it smart workingwhich allows you to work from home without losing your salary.

However, if you have to go to the workplace, you should respect the prevention measuressuch as wearing a mask, social distancing and hand hygiene.

In any case, it would be appropriate avoid going to work if you have serious symptoms or if you work in sectors at risk of contagion.


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