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Belen, there is no longer a place for her on TV: what is happening behind the scenes, the truths that no one tells

There is no longer a place for Belen Rodriguez on TV, the background from behind the scenes: the truth about the failure to return. What is going on.

In a few days, he will once again take the stage in his own way, for a highly anticipated appointment. Belen Rodriguez will be one of the most admired at her sister Cecilia’s wedding to Ignazio Moser, in which she will be the bridesmaid. An event that will certainly catalyze the curiosity and emotion of the community and gossip enthusiasts at the beginning of next week.

Belen Rodriguez’s absence from television screens is prolonged: a situation that causes discussion –

There is also a certain wait to see Belen’s first “public” outing together with her new boyfriend, the Sicilian engineer Angelo Edoardo Galvani. A relationship that began a few months ago, this time rather muted from a media and social point of view, compared to the previous propensities of the Argentine showgirl. Who evidently wants to protect his privacy and his balance, this timetreading more carefully.

The conditions from this point of view, however, seem encouraging fans continue to support Belen, hoping that for her there can be, after so many disappointments, a happy ending. The model and showgirl seems refreshed and more relaxed lately, as she appears on the web, but there is a particular aspect that makes you think.

It’s been a while since we last saw Belen permanently on TV. And there is no sign of a return on the horizon, at least for now. Belen he could have taken part in the next edition of Dancing with the Starsbut appears to have stepped back to focus on her private life. What’s happening to her?

Belen Rodriguez, why doesn’t she return to TV? Stefano De Martino is also involved

There would be several factors that would be influencing Belen’s professional situation. Some of which lead back to Stefano De Martino.

Stefano De Martino among the causes of Belen’s failure to return to TV -Credit Instagram @stefanodemartino-

Last year, at this time, the definitive break between the two. Which it led to a very dark period for Belen, from which she recovered with difficulty. The end of the relationship affected his balance and it was necessary to take at least a little break.

It must also be said that probably the opportunities for Belen are fewalso due to the general public’s exhaustion of interest in his gossip stories.

Belen also blamed the farewell to Mediaset after several years on the front line, but the turning point wanted by Piersilvio Berlusconi was radical. Less trash and gossip and more quality, a change of direction from which he will never go back.

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