Why Chiara Ferragni and Fedez’s Children Aren’t in the Photos

Why Chiara Ferragni and Fedez’s Children Aren’t in the Photos
Why Chiara Ferragni and Fedez’s Children Aren’t in the Photos

We were used to seeing every funny moment of theirs, every important stage of their lives deserved a post, whether it was their birthday or their first day of school, if by chance we had missed something we just had to go and recover it in the special collection of highlighted stories. Of course we wondered if it was healthy to live like this, with family moments immortalized and shared with millions of people, but then we continued to watch: partly for the dose of cuteness and partly out of habit. We are talking about Leone and Vittoria, the children of Chiara Ferragni and Fedez who, for a while now, are no longer visible in their stories and posts. Many fans didn’t take it well: they thought it was temporary (but it’s unlikely to be) and they have to come to terms with the fact that they won’t see them grow up to adulthood like they have been up to now.

After the breakup, Fedez and Ferragni stopped featuring their children Vittoria and Leone on their profiles. Of course, sensitivity is slowly changing and there is a new bill on the so-called “sharenting”, or the exposure of minors on social media by their parents. But in the case of the former Ferragnez, it seems that it was Fedez who asked his ex-wife to avoid spreading photos and videos of the two children to protect them, in a difficult moment in their lives, from media pressure. Chiara and Fedez’s profiles have undergone a profound transformation in recent months: no more family vacations and games with the children in the living room at home, but trips, events, outings and single life. The most loyal fans were left speechless and the numerous Instagram pages dedicated to Leone and Vittoria found themselves without anything to publish. One of the most followed accounts among those dedicated to the baby Ferragnez, as Selvaggia Lucarelli pointed out on Instagram, even made an announcement: the page will become a sort of “memorial” with old photos and nothing more. And yet, there are those who cannot let go of what risks turning into a real obsession.

“I am writing with great sadness. Not seeing the children who were joy, sincerity, beauty, genuineness is simply sad,” writes a fan, “I still remember the beautiful scene when dad Fedez took them on his bike and they were happy. I am sorry for the separation, it bothers me to seek visibility at all costs when children are the first to be respected. I miss Vitto so much as well as Leo.” “How I would like to see and hear them“, someone else writes and again “I miss them a lot, I would like to know how they are.”

However, all this is extremely alienating and reminds us how little it takes, especially on social media, to get used to something that is pleasant for us, perhaps, but violates the rights of others. Several comments speak of “morbidity” towards the two children and They argue that the pages with their photos should simply be closed. “It’s the only positive consequence of divorce,” writes a user referring to the greater privacy for the children, “They’re not your relatives, get attached to your dog, cat, canary,” replies someone else. It is clear to everyone now that the photos of Leone and Vittoria will continue to circulate on the web without control (and with all the risks that this entails) until they themselves, in the years to come, find photos, videos and detailed accounts of when their parents were still together.

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