Mario Cusitore in hospital: fans worried about Ida Platano’s ex

Mario Cusitore in hospital: fans worried about Ida Platano’s ex
Mario Cusitore in hospital: fans worried about Ida Platano’s ex

Fear for Mario Cusitore, the former suitor shared an image from a hospital showing the signs of what happened to him.

Mario Cusitore ended up in hospital, the former suitor of Men and Women worried his fans quite a bit by publishing some images from the Polyclinic of Naples in which he has a bandaged arm. After the conclusion of the program, the radio speaker has a large following on social media and now his fans are wondering what his condition is.

Mario Cusitore ends up in hospital, worried fan (Photo IG @cusitoremario/uominiedonne) –

What happened to Mario Cusitore? Why did he end up in hospital? These are the questions that many fans of the program are asking themselves. A few days ago the former suitor spoke again about Ida Platano, explaining that feelings do not pass from one moment to the next. Now she has worried everyone with these photos.

Mario Cusitore ends up in hospital, what did the former suitor do

Mario Cusitore this Monday morning shared some pictures from the hospitalIda Platano’s ex-suitor published a video on his Instagram stories in which he shows a large plaster on his arm.

Mario Cusitore shows his bandaged arm (Photo IG @cusitoremario) –

He added the comment to the video: “Finally removed“, tagging himself at the Federico II Polyclinic of Naples. It is not known exactly what the radio speaker did and what he took away. It could be some cysts, however It doesn’t seem to be anything serious. That “finally” could indicate that he had been waiting for a long time to have this thing removed and only now has he managed to do it.

As you can see from the photo Ida Platano’s former suitor has a big patch which has some sort of bulge on the top of the forearm, as if it were a protector or something. Probably soon he himself will explain what happened to him and above all what it removed. Mario has been very active on social media lately and often answers questions from his fans.

Recently, in response to the various questions they asked him, he went back to talking about Ida Platano, hinting that he still cares a lot about her. In an interview with Fanpage he talked about to have returned once again to Brescia, that he gave a letter to Ida and gave her his number, but never received a phone call. This would have been the last attempt – for the moment – to win back the beautiful Sicilian, but without having had any results.

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