Katia Pedrotti and Ascanio Pacelli, this is how they keep the flame of love alive after 20 years: photo

Katia Pedrotti and Ascanio Pacelli, here’s how they keep the flame of love alive after 20 years together: the image will leave you speechless.

It’s been about 20 years since Katia Pedrotti and Ascanio Pacelli met at Big Brother. Already when they were inside the house the two became very close and, despite her initial uncertainty, they became a couple. As soon as they left the program, love overwhelmed them to the point of arriving at the altar within a year.

Katia Pedrotti and Ascanio Pacelli, how they keep love alive after 20 years – Source: Instagram @misskatia – ilciriaco.it

Today the two are still a solid and strong couple and have built a splendid family thanks to the birth of their children Matilda and Tancredi. Theirs is one of the longest-lasting loves in the world of TV and recently we also saw them as guests of Silvia Toffanin at Verissimo, where they talked about a series of backstories and anecdotes about their life together.

Ascanio also confessed that he is thinking of another child, while Katia appears more reluctant. But what is the secret of this couple that after 20 years is still so close-knit and united? Many are wondering this, especially after the last appearance on TV where Ascanio and Katia appeared so in love.

The truth is that the two always keep the flame of love alive through little ‘secrets’ that they revealed on social media. Are you curious to find out more? Here are the images, you will be amazed!

Katia Pedrotti and Ascanio Pacelli, how they keep the flame of love alive after 20 years: here are the images

Katia Pedrotti and Ascanio Pacelli they are a splendid couple and theirs is one of the longest-lasting loves among those born on TV. Many wonder what the ‘secret’ of their love is and their complicity after 20 years and one of the answers certainly lies in the fact that the two share a lot of time and many experiences together. They also showed it on social media, look here!

Katia and Ascanio, here is one of the secrets of their long-lasting love – Source: Instagram @misskatia – ilciriaco.it

In these days the couple is in Salento for a few days of vacation and as always shares several moments on social media. “Everywhere I go I always bring what I need to train”Katia wrote in one of her Instagram stories, “Also some essential tools for our morning couple training”the former gieffina then added.

Apparently, therefore, despite the passing of the years Katia and Ascanio continue to share moments of daily life, from morning workouts as a couple to golf games, a sport which Ascanio is passionate about and which his wife has approached to spend more time with him. What do you think of this couple?

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