house bonuses expiring on 31 December 2024

house bonuses expiring on 31 December 2024
house bonuses expiring on 31 December 2024

After the reductions already foreseen in the 2024 budget, a further cut is looming for the furniture bonus with the 2025 budget law. This change could lead to the complete elimination of the incentives currently available for the purchase of furniture and appliances. The benefits, which included a 50% deduction linked to the renovation works, are currently at risk.

The Government is evaluating a reform that could transform automatic benefits into contributions on request.

The reform provides lower ceilings for the Renovation Bonus and a possible conversion of Irpef deductions into direct contributions. The aim is to streamline regulations, reducing overly generous tax incentives and introducing stricter spending limitations to prevent opportunistic behaviour.

Goodbye to the furniture bonus from 2025, but reductions in place from 2021

In recent years, the furniture bonus has undergone a series of significant reductions. In 2021, the deductible spending limit was set at 16,000 euros, a figure reduced to 10,000 euros in 2022, further lowered to 8,000 euros in 2023, and finally reduced to 5,000 euros in 2024.

The furniture bonus allows you to deduct 50% of the costs for high energy class furniture and large appliances, up to a maximum of €5,000, distributed in ten annual instalments.

This progressive lowering of the spending ceiling has led to a drastic reduction in tax breaks for citizens. In fact, the maximum amount of the deduction obtainable has gone from 4,000 euros in 2023 to only 2,500 euros in 2024.

For 2025, the tax break has not yet been refinanced. Without further interventions foreseen in the next Budget law, the furniture bonus will no longer be available starting from January. The difficult economic situation in which Giorgia Meloni’s Government finds itself, together with the possible cuts to the renovation bonus, which is the main reference for the furniture bonus, suggests that the reduction in benefits will at least be taken into consideration.

A lower spending ceiling translates into fewer benefits for citizens who intend to spend on furniture and appliances. The furniture bonus, in 2021, allowed to deduct up to 8,000 euros, a figure that has progressively reduced to the current 2,500 euros. This significant drop in subsidies reflects the Government’s desire to contain public spending, but at the same time puts a brake on incentives for renovating the interiors of homes.

Home bonuses expiring on 31 December 2024

By the end of 2024, many of the current incentives for home renovations will be abolished. With the beginning of 2025, the bonus verde will cease to exist. Until 31 December 2024, the green bonus allows a 36% deduction on a maximum expenditure of €5,000 per real estate unit, dedicated to the improvement of green spaces.

The deduction for Standard renovations will return to 36%integrating Ecobonus and Sismabonus, with a maximum eligible expense reduced to 48.000 euro. Also the Superbonus will undergo significant changes, with the deduction reduced to 65% and new limitations on credit compensation.

Home benefits from 2025

For expenses incurred until December 31, 2024, here is a summary of the benefits available and their new conditions:

  • Superbonus: Limited to condominiums and owners of buildings with 2-4 units, with a 65% deduction. The 110% rate will be reserved for interventions in municipalities affected by seismic events.
  • Architectural barrier elimination bonus: 75% deduction, with maximum limits and more stringent rules already applied since 2024.
  • Renovation Bonus: The deduction will drop from 50% to 36%, with a spending limit reduced from 96,000 euros to 48,000 euros per real estate unit.
  • Ecobonus: Reduced rate of 36% and spending limit set at 48,000 euros per real estate unit.
  • Sismabon: 36% deduction with a maximum expenditure of 48,000 euros per real estate unit.
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