Green appliances bonus, up to 200 euros discount for new washing machines and refrigerators

Green appliances bonus, up to 200 euros discount for new washing machines and refrigerators
Green appliances bonus, up to 200 euros discount for new washing machines and refrigerators

The new bonus for the home appliances it is not yet definitive and there are still several doubts to be resolved about the financial coverage and many doubts remain about the financial coverage. However, the details of the initiative are unclear.

The aid includes a 30% reimbursement of the purchase cost of “green” appliances in the three-year period 2023-2025with a maximum limit of 100 euro for each device for those with an ISEE equal to or greater than 25 thousand euros, increased by 200 for those with an ISEE lower than 25 thousand euros.

The appliances involved

The House Productive Activities Committee is accelerating the examination of the bill which proposes new incentives for the purchase of highly energy efficient household appliances, accompanied by the recycling of obsolete appliances.

The benefit, as it was conceived, would consist of a contribution from 30%, up to the maximum amount of 200 euro, for the purchase of appliances with the new energy label. The proposal also provides that the bonus be reduced by 100 euros for those with an income determined by the ISEE equal to or greater than 25 thousand euros.

The proposal, put forward by Lega, has three main objectives: reducing household bills thanks to more efficient appliances, promoting the recovery of those that are no longer usable and relaunching the electronics and household appliances sector, which has suffered difficulties in recent years. The informal hearings on the project should conclude in the next few days, allowing the 10th House Committee to complete its examination of the measure before the summer.

For the new product, the energy classes differentiated on the basis of the product must be respected:

  • Class A or higher for the washing machines and washer-dryers;
  • Class C or higher for them dishwasher;
  • Class D or higher per i refrigerators and freezers.

Airesthe association of companies and distribution groups specializing in household appliances and consumer electronics, which is part of Confcommercio, welcomed the proposed measure, but expressed the desire for the incentives to be made “more significant”. Currently, there is still no defined coverage: according to the forecasts of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, it is necessary to establish a fund with an endowment of 400 million euros for each of the years 2023, 2024 and 2025. This financial endowment is crucial to guarantee the success and effectiveness of the planned incentives.

Where to find the funds

But the issue of financial coverage is the main issue to be resolved. The proposal requires the establishment, in the budget of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, of a fund with an endowment of 400 million euros for each of the years 2023, 2024 and 2025. “I am having discussions with the Ministry of Economy and Finance to find the resources. I am moderately optimistic,” said Alberto Luigi Gusmeroli, president of the commission and first signatory of the bill. “But we can also foresee smaller amounts to start the incentives,” he added. If a solution is found, the bonus could become a reality within the year.

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