The club of super billionaires is expanding: 15 have over 100 billion dollars in assets

MILAN – The club of the world’s super rich is becoming more crowded than ever: in the world there are in fact 15 Scrooges with a fortune of over 100 billion dollars, the highest number ever recorded. This is what the numbers highlight Bloomberg Billionaire Index, according to which the combined wealth of the 15 grew last year by 13%, reaching $2.2 trillion. Slightly more – to be clear – than the entire Italian GDP.

The owner of LVMH stands out by leading the group Bernard Arnaultwith over 220 million in assets, followed by Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. For the first time this year she also appeared in the club of the super rich Fracoise Bettencourt Meyersheir to the L’Oreal empire.

Among the other new entries also the Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, 84 years old, in 13th place with 106 billion dollars. A wealth – which has also grown thanks to the Mexican take boom which has helped push the shares of his companies ranging from construction to the management of restaurants and shops – which also makes him the richest person in Latin America.

The complete list of the magnificent 15 sees 10 Americans behind the king of French luxury, all the winners of the technological race: in sequence Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Bill Gates, Sergey Brin, Steve Ballmer, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Michael Dell. In the US patrol the only exponent of the Old Economy is Buffett even if in recent years his investments in Apple and other technology companies have increased the returns of his Berkshire.

Rest of the world

From twelfth place onwards comes the rest of the world: ithe Indian oilman Mukesh Ambani, the Mexican Carlos Slim, the other Indian mogul Gautama Adani (infrastructure and logistics) and the richest woman in the world, the French Francoise Bettencourt Meyersheir to the L’Oreal empire

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