a journey through the Rosolini traditions » Corriere Elorino

a journey through the Rosolini traditions » Corriere Elorino
a journey through the Rosolini traditions » Corriere Elorino

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Yesterday evening the council chamber hosted the presentation of the book “Storie di Paese e di Cucina”, written by Angela Scifo and her husband Maurizio Cavalli. A writing that intertwines memories and flavors of the Rosolini tradition, between stories, personal experiences, popular sayings and gastronomic recipes, a mosaic of sayings, photographs, poems and memories that together form a vivid and colorful fresco of the Rosolini culture.

The event, organized by the municipal administration with the collaboration of the association “Cultura e Dintorni” attracted numerous attendees, including friends and family, who filled the council chamber in every seat.

“This book,” said Mayor Giovanni Spadola, “has the potential to become a cultural bridge for new generations, a means to pass on the traditions that define the identity of a community.”

Angela Scifo lived her childhood and adolescence in Rosolini before leaving to seek her fortune in Germany and Northern Italy, where she found love by marrying the television commentator Maurizio Cavalli.

“The idea of ​​writing a book was born during the lockdown period – says Angela Scifo -. A fellow writer of mine, Susanna Valpreda, hearing the stories I was telling her, insisted on writing a book. I talked about it with my husband who gladly gave me a hand in writing it. And today we are here to present this work in which traditional recipes, stories of uses and customs of the time, proverbs, riddles and sayings have been written. The result is a complete book that I don’t think you can find around”.

During the evening, there were many significant speeches, including that of Corrado Calvo, president of Cultura e Dintorni, who praised the book “which had been rising for some time” for “its ability to evoke childhood memories and to tell the experiences that older children have lived.”

Enza Serrentino contributed by reading some chapters, while the young guitarist from Modica Paolo Di Giacomo, a student of maestro Lino Gatto, enlivened the event with his music. Also present were the volunteers of the “Nasirya Legion” who ensured an efficient law and order service.

The book is not only a tribute to the past, but also an invitation to reflect on the importance of education and community. “Yesterday’s school – said Angela Scifo – was a place where the teacher knew every child and followed her path, a clear contrast with modern education, often frenetic and impersonal”.

And the invitation from the Prime Minister Corrado Sortino is precisely on schools: “I hope that this book can be promoted in schools and to the new generations because in the pages we find rusticity.”

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