LODI Dances and party at Danelli for Clarita Cavalli’s book VIDEO

“The book by Clarita Cavalli, a woman suffering from quadriplegia, which was presented on Sunday and was edited by Andrea Abbà, is entitled “My Life”. It is the latter, in fact, a retired engineer, who wrote Cavalli’s book from dictation over the course of two years.

LODI Danelli Foundation, happy dancing for Clarita. Video by Cristina Vercellone

The initiative took place on Sunday, in a moment of celebration animated by the Vignate band which turns one hundred years old.

«I went for a tour of Danelli with Luisa Picech, 5 years ago – says Abbà -. Mrs. Picech introduced me to Clarita. I had to help her technologically to write with her eyes. Then she started talking and I started writing. We recovered her pages when she was at Don Gnocchi in Salice Terme and then those that I wrote under her dictation. She spoke with difficulty, but I was patient. I only corrected a few words, but I reported all her thoughts, some very beautiful and important. For about 2 years I went to her twice a week. She dictated and I wrote. First I started printing it on an amateur basis, with my home printer, to see how it came out, then we moved on.”

«Clarita, born in 1986, was born quadriplegic: since she was a child she had walking problems – she says -. Her father was Rh positive and her mother Rh negative. The antibodies destroyed her cerebellum. She was born deformed with excruciating pain that prevented her from walking. She immediately ended up in a wheelchair, she didn’t have the use of her hands. She holds a sponge ball in her fists to avoid hurting herself. She needs a carriage specifically for her body shape. She lived in Mexico until she was 12, then, in 1982, she returned to Italy. Very important, in the Mexican period, was her big dog. There are several episodes of when she went with her dad to the park and a doe came to take sugar from her in a wheelchair. When she returned to Italy she went to Don Gnocchi in Salice Terme. She attended all of her elementary and middle school education in Godiasco. She graduated from master’s school. She wanted to continue her studies, but Don Gnocchi said that she would not be able to follow her. So she spent her days doing nothing. When she arrived at Danelli in 2016, her life changed.”

He always says it, the difference was immediately evident. «You always say that the days are full here. She told me straight away that she wanted to write her story – Abbà continues -. There are many memories there. He has great faith. There must be a reason why God wanted me this way. I don’t mind him at all. In fact, she then took her vows as a lay nun.”

On the same day, Abbà read three poems by Lorenzo who is a former paratrooper who had an accident and is now followed by Danelli.

«I’m interested in valorising people – says Abbà – I want to valorise Lorenzo. We will make a selection of his production. I want to continue to see if he has something new to tell.”

The most beautiful poem that was read on Sunday was the one dedicated to Luisa Picech which reminds her of the warmth of her mother from 25 years ago.

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)