“The focus was mental health, we’re not interested in the rest”

“The focus was mental health, we’re not interested in the rest”
“The focus was mental health, we’re not interested in the rest”

“What does Fedez have to do with the Book Fair?”, “someone who gets into fights and frequents ultras who talks about mental health”. This is the tenor of the comments that have been read on social media for days after Fedez’s participation in an event dedicated to the psychological well-being of young people. At the meeting – moderated by the journalist Tiziana Platzer – in addition to the rapper, the President of the Order of Psychologists, David Lazzari, was present, and much of the criticism came from psychologists and psychotherapists, disconcerted by the presence of the singer-influencer, not only because he would not have the skills to talk about such an important topic, but above all due to his involvement in the Iovino case and therefore – according to many – even more out of place.

When Fedez arrived at Lingotto Fiere on Sunday, his name had already been mentioned by the two witnesses to the attack on the personal trainer and had been bouncing around on websites and TV for hours. He had not yet been registered by the Milan Prosecutor’s Office in the register of suspects – this would happen 24 hours later – and in front of journalists, before going on stage, he reiterated his non-involvement in the affair. Shortly afterwards he reserved exceptional treatment for the same journalists, that is, ridiculing them in front of the audience because – according to him – instead of dealing with important news such as the genocide in Palestine they think about what he does at night.

In light of the ‘maxims’ dispensed to the press, first of all that “no report, no crime” which sparked the harshest criticism, many judged Fedez’s presence at such an event as inappropriate. Many but not the organizers, who evidently thought it right to first invite him and then not cancel his presence despite what was happening and the very high probability that this would have, if not ruined, at least influenced the progress of the meeting, which effectively became for several minutes Fedez’s personal stage.

The attacks on President Lazzari

The controversy first of all overwhelmed the President of the Order of Psychologists, David Lazzari, who had already had contact with Fedez in the past to carry on the battle on the psychologist bonus. Criticized by colleagues and associates – but not only – for having shared such an important stage with a character who, if not questionable, was certainly discussed, Lazzari closed the comments on his Instagram profile. We tried to contact him and the press office clarified that the invitation to Fedez did not come from the Order, but from the organizers of the Book Fair. Lazzari didn’t know about Fedez’s story – they assured us – and didn’t imagine that his participation could be problematic, given that he has always fought personally to raise awareness on the issue. The president of CNOP received the invitation and accepted because it was an important audience to speak to, once there he shared the stage with the rapper. So no reply, much less justification, but regret – yes – because it could have been an important opportunity to talk about mental health, but instead something completely different came out in the newspapers.

The organizers wash their hands of it

Given that Lazzari was nothing more than an ‘unfortunate’ guest, we then go and ask the organizers of the Book Fair for explanations about Fedez’s presence, but in this case too the press office acts as a filter. No replies, no responsibility. On the phone they tell us that the event took place regularly because the focus was mental health, not anything else that was happening. The meeting was important for the topic and the controversy, however, was out of place. So – we add – there was no reason to have any scruples. The decision to invite Fedez – they explain – is because he has always spoken out on the subject and consequently the organizers thought he could talk about it. If he then used that space to talk about other things and launch messages and provocations useful for personal battles, this was not foreseeable, but above all – they underline – it is not their responsibility. And it was immediately Sanremo 2023, when Fedez tore up the photo of deputy minister Bignami live during a guest appearance and Rai dissociated itself, ensuring that it knew nothing about it and could not have predicted it. Fedez’s unpredictability, as strong as his ability to offload him.

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