At the bottom of desire, Maddalena Vianello presents her book for “Literary meetings”

At the bottom of desire, Maddalena Vianello presents her book for “Literary meetings”
At the bottom of desire, Maddalena Vianello presents her book for “Literary meetings”

ALLUMIERE – The second appointment of the “Literary Meetings” promoted by the APS “Feminine, plural” is coming to Allumiere. This time the president Brunella Franceschini and the other members of the association have chosen Maddalena Vianello as guest, who will present her book: “At the bottom of desire”.

“There are many loves, just as there are many ways in which girls and boys can arrive”: this is one of the sentences in the wonderful book that tells 10 stories of assisted procreation. “With great emotion we present to you the second of the “Literary Meetings” promoted by “Femminile, Plural Aps” in collaboration with the Municipal Library of Allumiere: Maddalena Vianello will be our guest with the work: “At the bottom of desire” (Fandango libri) .

The meeting will be held on Friday 17 May at 6pm in the Aula Nobile of the Palazzo della Reverend Camera Apostolica of Allumiere”. In Italy, girls and boys, born in Italy in 2018 thanks to medically assisted procreation (Pma) techniques, are the 3.2%: it means that there are over 14 thousand daughters and sons of people who have faced these paths. Broadening the picture to all those women who decide to have a child alone or with another woman in a lesbian couple, i.e. to women. subjectivities that do not fall within the normative vision of law 40 of 2004, the numbers are still growing. Despite this, little is said about the PMA in both the public and private spheres. The opposition comes from very different fronts, including the pro-life movement as some fringes of feminism, and what remains is a silence broken by a few solitary voices. A silence that resonates with doubts, fears, loneliness but also with determination, awareness, alliances, desire it involves tens of thousands of women, who rely on assisted reproduction with different motivations and outcomes. Vianello does this through the voices of ten women who wanted to share their experience, for all the others. Because the personal is political. A book that fills a narrative void and fills it with humanity. Maddalena Vianello is a professional in “Cultural planning and organization”; she is an expert in gender politics and in the field of male violence against women. She is a feminist, she is among the curators and organizers of the “inQuiete festival of writers” in Rome. You published “Fra me e te” (Edizioni et al., 2013), co-written with Mariella Gramaglia, and In Fondo del Desire (Fandango, 2021), dedicated to the theme of medically assisted procreation.


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