ADUC – Editorial – Europe and economy. Italy = Hungary. Towards disaster

ADUC – Editorial – Europe and economy. Italy = Hungary. Towards disaster
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There was little mention of the European Parliament’s vote on the Stability Pact. We believe that it is the economic argument to verify what the parties present in our Parliament (government and opposition) intend to address, with pro-European commitment, in the next legislature which will arise from the vote on 8-9 June for the renewal of deputies in Strasbourg .

The vote of the outgoing MEPs was tragic, with all against or abstentions except for three deputies. The tangible expression of wanting to be part of the EU as passive actors and leeches. The Italian votes against (M5s, one Pd, one from Action and the Greens) out of a total of 166 against, added to the many Italian abstentions (44 from FdI, Pd, Iv, Azione, Fi) out of a total of 61 abstentions, are not were enough to dent the majority of 359.

We would like to point out that the Italians (against and abstentions) voted like (voting against) the Hungarian Fidesz party which, a minority in Strasbourg, has absolute power in its country. It is Viktor Orban’s party thanks to which Hungary was condemned by the EP for the absence of the rule of law. Hungary which stands out for countering EU aid against the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a country par excellence for taking a lot and giving little to the Union, and which advocates a transition towards a Union of Nations rather than a United States of Europe (1 ).

After so much intoxication with words of Europeanism, we get to the point. The Italian parties – government and several of the opposition – did not give consent to the Stability Pact (unlike what the Italian government had done a few months earlier) for fear of having to explain to their voters on 8-9 June that the ‘Europe is not just a sort of magna-magna (Pnrr) similar to the national magna-magna based on budget overruns, having made us reach first place in the EU in this regard. It seems that their intentions are not those of a Europe in which we can participate with responsibility and knowledge of cause/effect, where we take what we give and respect the commitments we make.

Today, with the non-vote for the Stability Pact, Italy has demonstrated that it is on a par with Hungary, the fascist country par excellence not only in terms of economy, but also of law and foreign policy. For the moment we are similar to Hungary in terms of the economy, but we wouldn’t be surprised that before long we could be similar in other areas too… after all, one of the major government parties (Lega) and part of the opposition are not playing in favor of Ukraine against the Russian invasion and of Israel against the Hamas terrorists.

This situation of ambiguity mixed with nationalist partisanship leads us to an economy that is anything but friendly to citizens and consumers. The latter, in particular, can enjoy attention and rights only in a free market that does not neglect the social. Which is the opposite of what (in fact… because in words they are all good) the Italian national government and part of the opposition parties are trying to consolidate.

But as some would say, it doesn’t seem to me that the precedents and the current government are so unbalanced in this sense…. leaving public health aside (which deserves its own chapter), a policy of economic rights (individual ones, the current government is only working to limit the gains made in the past) which is based on the increase in public debt is credible… that is, precariousness dumped on future generations?

1 – which, in Italy, apart from the specific grouping with this term in the symbol, there are several (Forza Italia and Pd in ​​particular) who boast of it without specifying the steps and actions to get there.

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the association does not receives and is against public funding (even 5 per thousand)
Its economic strength lies in registrations and contributions donated by those who deem it useful


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