Italy 24 Press News

Summer holidays 2024, the regions preferred by Italians

Published: June 24, 2024

Silvio Frantellizzi


Freelance journalist. For over ten years he has been dealing with information on the web, writing about sports, current affairs, news, motoring, entertainment and video games.

L’summer 2024 sees an increase in Italians who will travel thanks to specialized agencies: there will be around 4 million, 3.5% more than bookings for the summer of 2023. The data were revealed by a survey by Assoviaggi Confesercenti, carried out by the Center for Tourist Studies of Florence and based on a sample of 671 travel agencies.

From the investigation it is possible to know what the most popular regions of Italy for the 2024 summer holidays. The research shows a slight decline in interest in seaside resorts and an increase in requests for short-haul destinations, especially to contain transport costs. Abroad seems to attract more than Italy: 2.8 million travelers will reach a destination outside the national borders, while 1.2 million Italians will remain in our country.

The cruise is one of the types of travel that keeps travellers’ interest unchanged, while requests for intercontinental trips and those to places in Mediterranean countries are increasing. The numbers regarding European capitals and Italian cities of art are always good, with an increase in organized trips which also allow those leaving alone to join a small group, accompanied by an expert in the chosen destination.

The survey also shows an increase in Fly & Drive formula: it is a combined solution that allows you to reach the desired destination by flight, and then move on four or two wheels along various stages of an itinerary planned at the start together with the travel agency.

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