Sprouts, liver allies, the discovery is Tuscan

Sprouts, liver allies, the discovery is Tuscan
Sprouts, liver allies, the discovery is Tuscan

Tuesday 02 July 2024 – 12:24

The extract of the sprouts of Salicornia europea as an ally of the liver. A study by the University of California, Berkeley, has revealed the purifying virtues of this Mediterranean plant, increasingly loved by chefs.‘University of Pisa which for the first time demonstrated that younger leaves of salicornia have significantly higher levels of bioactive compounds, such as total polyphenols, flavonoids, flavonols and anthocyanins than older ones.

In particular, the extract of the shoots of this plant, according to the study, would be an ally in the prevention of hepatic steatosis, the so-called “fatty liver”, a frequent and often asymptomatic condition which however in some cases can compromise the organ and its functionality.

“In light of these results, salicornia emerges as a valuable food to include in meals, especially for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, liver disorders and steatosis,” comments the professor. Annamaria Ranieri of the University of Pisa.

Salicornia is a halophytic plant, that is, it is capable of living in saline and marginal soils in conditions that are prohibitive for most vegetation. Here, salicornia plays a very important ecological role: its the ability to extract salts from the soil is in fact useful for counteracting water depletion of the soil. Suffice it to say that currently about 18 million hectares in the world, corresponding to 25% of the total irrigated lands in the Mediterranean area and 7% of the total surface of the planet, are affected by the phenomenon of salinity.

“Apart from this fundamental ecosystemic role, salicornia is therefore a food that can have an important function in the diet – continues Ranieri – as emerges from our research, the extracts of this plant tested on animal models highlight a complete recovery from hepatic steatosis”.

The study, published in the journal Antioxidants, was conducted within the framework of the European project HaloFarMs.

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