“Never found anything like it”, thanks to the metal detector he finds this…

“Never found anything like it”, thanks to the metal detector he finds this…
“Never found anything like it”, thanks to the metal detector he finds this…

Treasure hunting with a metal detector but this was a surprise even for the expert. A truly special object.

What’s in the water? (photo YT Xfinds) – viaggi.nanopress.it

Going around with the metal detector can allow you to find or, in some cases, rediscover, lost objects in very distant times. The object at the center of this video may not be a real one archaeological find but it is certainly one of the strangest objects that have ever been fished out with the help of these tools for hunting submerged relics.

The metal detector screeches!

One of the most interesting aspects of the video published on the YouTube channel of the famous treasure hunter XFinds and the noise that his instrument emits the moment it passes over the surface of the water and comes across something. Metal detectors are in fact designed to make sounds that help humans to identify what lies beneath the surface.

Surprise discovery (photo YT Xfinds) – viaggi.nanopress.it

Depending on the sound, whoever operates it knows they have a material rather than another. In the video, before the object is extracted from under the water, what you hear is a very particular noise. The metal detector, in fact, seems to emit a he shouted. An initial piece of information regarding the type of material beneath the surface.

Another way that experts, like the protagonist of this video, can understand what do they have to do with it is the information that is reproduced on the small screens with which most metal detectors are now equipped. But what made the instrument of this metal diviner whistle? What looks like a catena with closure. But it will really be a chain Viking silver?

Maybe it’s not Viking but it’s still interesting

The caption of the video talks about a Viking silver chain but, regardless of whether perhaps the material is actually silver or not, the Viking peoples had hardly invented it before the year 1000 chains with magnetic closure. It is more likely that it is either a decorative metal collar for dogs or a bracelet or even a crew neck certainly important.

In fact, as many comments point out, and above all unlike other objects featured in other videos on this same channel, the chain is perfectly clean. If it had been made of silver and had been old it would not have been so clean and lucida. Silver, as you can also experience, has a tendency to to become opaque and above all to become darker with the passage of time.

This chain therefore cannot be an ancient object. But it’s still a truly special find. Given its size, one might wonder how the possible owners managed to lose this object. One hypothesis could be a magnetic lock malfunction. This type of closure, if it is not made with really powerful magnets, can give way easily.

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