Italy 24 Press News

From Staffelli to the talents of Amici, the voices from the backstage of the third evening of Battiti Live –

The grandiose event of Radio Norba Cornetto Battiti Live, long awaited by Molfetta, has come to an end. Three days in which many singers of the moment performed alternating on stage and gathering around them many young people from all over Puglia and beyond.

There were many emotions on the third and final evening, in which we had the opportunity to ask Valerio Staffelli some questions, as his daughter Rebecca’s companion. His words: “Battiti Live is a product born and raised in Puglia, the fact that it has arrived on channel 5 and shows all the splendid squares of your region is a great achievement – continues Staffelli – The music is extraordinary, the direction is exceptional, we know the singers and they are strong.”

Cristiano Malgioglio, Ricchi e Poveri, Paola e Chiara, Articolo 31… there are many artists who followed one another on stage last night and with great surprise, here in Molfetta also Tananai, Annalisa, Emma, ​​Alessandra Amoroso and Big Mama, all singers who performed for the first two evenings “on the road”, broadcasting the recordings of their performances on the Battiti screen.

“It was beautiful on the BattitiLive stage in Molfetta, I thank the incredible audience, crazy energy”, are Emma’s words through an Instagram Stories, immediately after the performance a stone’s throw from the Molfetta Cathedral. “Molfetta, you are beautiful, there are so many of you. Thank you”, is the certificate of esteem of the Paola&Chiara duo.

But it doesn’t end there, we interviewed some very young members of the dance troupe. Alessio, Kumo and Giovanni, 17, 23 and 20 years old respectively, experienced their very first Battiti Live in these three evenings. An experience that proved to be fundamental for the three boys, an important milestone in their careers, proud (Alessio and Giovanni) to have taken part in the largest musical event held in their region. “It’s indescribable to dance in front of so many people, it’s a daydream, I didn’t want to believe it when the Battiti organizers called me” Giovanni’s words. “As a native of Lazio I can say that it is always nice to perform in a seaside resort, Molfetta is a wonderful city” Kumo of Emma’s dance troupe, a former student of Amici 23, tells us.

Monday 24 June 2024


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