Italy 24 Press News

the game that drives everyone crazy

The Polposition from Brescia confirmed themselves as champions in the episode of Chain reaction aired this evening on Rai 1. A trio from the province of Rome, the Mom dadmade up of a family unit: Alessio, Annamaria and Silvia.

The three friends from Brescia got the better of their challengers in the Winning Agreement game, during which they managed to guess 18 words. The Polpositions have thus arrived atLast Chain with a prize pool of 91,000 euros. Which ultimately fell to 45,500 euros. The last word was KNOT. While the next word started with FI and ended with O.

Read also: Chain Reaction, Polposition defeated and humiliated: “Senseless”, the lynching starts

To guess the hidden word, the champions bought the third element, which turned out to be PINK. And in the end, for 22,750 euros, they tried with the word FIOCCO. Which, fortunately, was exactly the right answer. The Lombard friends thus managed to take home the treasure accumulated during the episode. As usual, the episode of the game show hosted by Pino Teach It was commented on a lot on social media. Someone, in particular, criticized the final game, judging it too simple: “I can only imagine the desperation of Dai and Dai (team from the previous edition, ed.) in seeing chains so easy that they would have guessed even without the initial letter. Embarrassing,” one user wrote on X.

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