Italy 24 Press News

Now it’s OFFICIAL: Rai license fee becomes like car tax

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Here’s how you can finally avoid paying the Rai license fee. From this moment on you will never spill it again.

Italy is one of the states that has the largest volume of taxes. The citizens of the peninsula know very well that the amounts to be paid are very high every year and they do not save anyone, neither those who have a high annual income, nor those who have a fairly low one.

To avoid paying, many end up deciding to don’t pay at all, guilty of tax evasion. The latter is really fought hard by the Italian State and its bodies which from year to year ensure the control of individual subjects.

But if there is a tax that Italians really cannot tolerate and that they would like to see eliminated from the Italian economic system, it is certainly the Rai license fee. The latter must be paid by the Italian citizen as owner of a television set. The amount should go to form the funds of the networks owned by the Italian government.

It seems that the nightmare is now about to end and there is finally the possibility of not paying the annual amount. However, let’s try to see clearly and understand what possibilities we have of never making the payment again.

The possibility of exemption

Often especially in front of certain citizens who are part of particularly fragile bands or similar, we wonder if there isn’t a way to avoid proceeding with the payment of certain taxes. This happens for the Rai license fee, but also with regards to car tax.

As many will know, Italian legislation provides for the possibility for some to enjoy an exemption from payment. This happens especially for those who can enjoy the benefit of law 104, i.e. citizens who suffer from any form of disability.

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Law 104 and Rai license fee

For all those who own law 104 there is the possibility of not paying the Rai license fee (like car tax). This segment of the population is considered among those most in need of greater protection and for this reason exemptions are foreseen various types of benefits.

Obviously, in order to benefit from the exemption, it is sufficient to send a specific application, accompanied by a disability report. In this way you will have the right not to proceed with the annual payment of the tax.

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