Paolo Bonolis freewheeling, the pact with Pier Silvio Berlusconi: “What I promised him”

Paolo Bonolis freewheeling, the pact with Pier Silvio Berlusconi: “What I promised him”
Paolo Bonolis freewheeling, the pact with Pier Silvio Berlusconi: “What I promised him”

Paolo Bonolis talks about a pact made with Mediaset CEO Pier Silvio Berlusconi: here’s what it’s about.

Despite alarming rumours that they saw Paolo Bonolis not only out of Mediasetbut on hiatus or maybe even retired after a memorable career, well that won’t be the case at least for next year. The presenter will still be present in the company and in the schedules, even if only one program of those he has been following for years has been confirmed: Next up! There has already been some information circulating about this all the expected newsand there are more on the horizon.

Apparently, however, this will not be the case for Hello Darwinwhich Bonolis has clarified will no longer be on the air after the closing of the last edition. In one of the recent interviews, the host also returned to the Sanremo Festival and the doors for him, seem to be more than open. There is this possibility therefore, but we will have to wait the two years of Charles Contithe successor to the throne of Amadeus who in five years, has completely reinvented the most famous kermesse for what concerns Italian music. But why wasn’t Bonolis the new heir?

Paolo Bonolis and the pact with Pier Silvio Berlusconi: what does it involve? Sanremo Festival

The name of Paolo Bonolis he made himself heard and a lot in the months when everything was uncertain, before the official confirmation of Charles Conti for the 2025 and 2026 editions. A waltz that seemed like it would never end, until the denial and several interviews in which he himself spoke about this thing. In the last interview he gave he confirmed the rumor that had been circulating in those hours. Did Bonolis really give up Sanremo because of a promise he made to Berlusconi? It seems that the CEO of Mediaset asked him to have an exclusive for next year, and therefore not to compete with the competition for such an important event as the Festival.

Paolo Bonolis guest on Verissimo in the last season

The presenter confirmed this and was very clear in his statements. He spoke of a given word, of a pact that must be respected regardless of the person to whom a certain thing is promised. The word is a word and therefore, he respected it by giving up such an important professional role forr stay ‘at home’, and thus guarantee his presence once again at the top. On the other hand, losing Bonolis for the Big snake it would really be something unsurpassable, which would seriously put the challenge of TV ratings to the test. However, it would have been a breath of fresh air after years of formats that, according to him, were repetitive and had no novelties. We’ll see if the company will be able to offer him something else, or if this will really be his last year in Cologno.

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