I Cesaroni, Centioni crushes Micol Olivieri. Doubts about the TV return

I Cesaroni, Centioni crushes Micol Olivieri. Doubts about the TV return
I Cesaroni, Centioni crushes Micol Olivieri. Doubts about the TV return

The Cesaroni are back, but not peace. At least not between the two former protagonists of the series, Micol Olivieri and Niccolò Centioni. She was Alice, he was Rudi. Today they are at loggerheads because of a joint participation in Beijing Express (even though a lot of time has passed). Micol accuses her ex-colleague of having exploited for a bit of celebrity “back”, while Centioni sends back to the sender (with accompanying barbs) what he considers false insinuations. And recently it was Niccolò, in a video on Tik Tokto dust off from nowhere the hatred towards Olivieri. Reminding the fans of The Cesaroninow, that seeing them both in the next season seems so much (perhaps too much) like an impossibility. Here all the details below of history.

The Cesaroni, Niccolò Centioni against Micol Olivieri

Yesterday Claudio Amendola made it official the new Cesaroni. Today, however, it is already time for controversy and poison. We are talking about two former protagonists of the beloved series, that is Niccolò Centioni and Micol Olivieri. First colleagues, friends, finally archenemies for more or less clear reasons. Theirs link Yes is broken for yearswith the key moment being the participation in Beijing Express. In the program that unites couples (friends, boyfriends, family members) to reach a common goal, Micol and Niccolò were arrived with the best intentions. But fatigue, character differences, a few too many words, made the relationship explode.

The show was then followed by social recriminations, repeated several times over the years. The last online “fight” dates back to 2021. Micol Olivieri then responded to her followers, who asked her for more information on the relationship with Centioni. “The discussions”, Micol explained at the time, “that were mounted during Beijing Express, according to her, do not exist. It was not mounted a very serious sentence of his, which obviously I won’t say a word about. After the last season of I Cesaroni ended, I was pregnant, I started reading new statements, always about this. When a person dares to undermine my serenity and that of my family, at that point he’s out. Using my pregnancy, my marriage and the birth of my daughter to make statements It seemed sleazy to me.”.

Niccolò’s reply was also harsh and biting. “No one knows what she said to me on live TV,” the actor said, “things like ‘wake up, you moron, you’re stupid’ and much more. I repeat that all these parts were cut by the production and I can write it with blood. I don’t think I needed the fact that I used his image for popularity, given that we were on the crest of a wave at the time.” And finally, the hardest thrust against Micol: “I would be squalid because Do I undermine his family and use it to my advantage to stand out? But who cares? The last time I talked about her was 8 years ago. Now she comes up with this story…Maybe she’s the one she will be tired of selling fresh teas to stay in shape and wants to take part in some reality show taking advantage of this situation!”.

The latest social attack on Micol

A few hours ago the controversy has exploded again. Niccolò Centioni, out of nowhere, has started to trash his former colleague again. He did it during a Tik Tok video, in which he starts to rank, from best to worst10 characters from the series The Cesaroni. To be fair, Niccolò immediately places himself in last place, because, he says, “I cannot comment on myself”. Then he continues: in first place Ezio Masetti (Max Tortora), second Eva Cudicini, that is Alessandra Mastronardi, and third step of the podium for Giulio Cesaroni (Claudio Amendola). When the name finally comes out Micol Olivieriwho played Alice, Niccolò does not say a word and the square in place 9 in the ranking. Without batting an eye. Finally, the actor likes a comment from one of his fans who states: “I hope for your return to the series…a little less in Alice’s”.

If it is true that both will return in the remake of the series, then, How will they live together? Will there be room for both Micol Olivieri and the hated (and vice versa) Niccolò Centioni? A more than legitimate question at the moment. We await clarification.

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