“He wants an actor from Terra Amara”

“He wants an actor from Terra Amara”
“He wants an actor from Terra Amara”

We continue to talk about Big Brother even if no confirmations or possible dates have been made yet: it is rumoured that Alfonso Signorini wants an actor of Terra Amara in its next edition, just as Vladimir Luxuria would have done with the Island of the Famous.

We are already talking about Big Brother although, for the moment, there is still no set date for the start of the famous Mediaset reality show. Previously it was also speculated that the program would no longer be broadcast and that in its place there would be The mole According to the latest rumours, it would seem that this is not the case and that there will be another edition. (Here we have already told you about an indiscretion regarding another possible competitor directly from Masterchef).

It is unclear whether the next edition will be a revised version Vip o hybrid (i.e. with known and unknown characters). Moreover, according to the latest rumours, it would seem that Gentlemen is focusing on some faces already known to the public and for this reason a VIP edition was thought of. In any case, we’ll just have to wait to find out. What is certain is that, on the one hand, it seems that the well-known host wants to introduce an actor from the most famous Turkish soap ever into the house, Terra Amara. This is a way to recall the work of Vladimir Luxuria con the Island of the Famous.

Big BrotherSignorini like Luxuria: “He wants an actor from Terra Amara”

The latest rumors that are circulating seem quite clear. It would seem, in fact, that Alfonso Signorini want to call an actor of Terra Amaraa bit like Vladimir Luxuria would have done with Aras Senol to the Island of the Famous. In general, the reality show edition was not a huge success, and yet, we know well that the Turkish actor won. Not only that, he also won the public’s approval, who still wanted him as the winner. Meanwhile, there are rumors that Signorini wants Furkan Palali inside the Big Brother house. This is the one who plays Fikret in the very famous Turkish soap of Channel 5.

Fikret from Terra Amara, one of the protagonists of the Turkish soap on Canale 5

Of course it wouldn’t be a big gamble, given that it’s also the same Silvia Toffanin he has repeatedly invited actors of this caliber to his program very true. Again, let us also remember that it seems that Furqan has been studying Italian for months, according to the latest rumors. This could be a clear sign of his possible participation in the reality show Channel 5. For now, they stay just rumors and so, we just have to wait to find out if, in fact, there is some truth in all this. The public, however, could certainly really like to see an actor in a different role than usual. We’ll see if Alfonso Signorini will decide to call such a character who could certainly greatly increase the ratings of the reality show.

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