“After Island of the Famous I went into crisis”

“After Island of the Famous I went into crisis”
“After Island of the Famous I went into crisis”

It came out almost immediatelyin the recent adventure on L’Isola dei Famosi. Seleniumreal name Luce Caponegro, tried to shake off the past as a pornstar. He partially succeeded, relaunching himself with a its own wellness center. She has partly put herself under the spotlight, with mixed and perhaps not entirely satisfactory results. But having archived the reality show of the castaways, she now says to CourierSelen understood that she wanted attempt the road to independence (total) working. And although she is currently single, the former actress is compared to the past he is much less afraidLet’s see all the details below.

Selen, the rebirth after the Island of the famous

For friends she is Luce Caponegro, for old Selen fans. In any case, the former red light actress made herself loved by everyone, she closed the world of porn when it was time, and relaunched herself in a completely different field. Selen talks about it in an interview with Corriere della Serawhere he also traces a assessment of his recent experience tv to L’Isola dei Famosi. “I left convinced that it would be an important experience”, the actress began, “and it was, because I came out of it partly transformed, even though upon leaving immediately I wasn’t able to tell myself as I would have liked: my story with anecdotes and curiosities remained out of the spotlight. On the other hand, the production had also chosen me for this. Maybe there will be other opportunities”.

57 years old, a life in her Ravenna, Selen is not Never been one to give up at the first obstacle. In fact, after the hard parenthesis, she rolled up her sleeves and decided to open a wellness center, “Aesthetic Light and Wellbeing”. An experience with ups and downs, which started well and then stalled a bit, also thanks to the crisis. “Being an entrepreneur today in Italy means making debts”Caponegro explained to Courier“it’s no use hiding it. After having done more than 40 specialization courses and having become a teacher in two schools, I hired employees with the aim of also passing on part of my knowledge. But it’s increasingly difficult to find someone who wants to go beyond the basic level which is not enough to remain competitive”.

“Thanks to the Island I have questioned myself”he then adds, “I also thought about closing everything, changing jobs and moving abroad upon returning I went into crisis. Then I focused on who I am, on my story, and I decided to continue alone, how freelancer, personally following my clients. I won’t hire anyone anymore”. Another matter is that of the private sector. In fact, Selen admits that she is stop at the “single box” for several years, but even here he certainly doesn’t lose heart: “I’m still single but, compared to the past, I’m not afraid anymore. Distrust towards men is always there, but the will is there and it is already a first step. In the past I have been hurt several times and deeply, my heart shattered and I felt the need to protect myself. I was I came to think that love wasn’t for me”. Good then that Belen has changed her mind. Because believing, always, is the first step to succeed.

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