EUROPEAN ELECTIONS. Big brother: he sends his faithful Marco Villano and Nicola Tamburrino to the “pizza” with Lello Topo. This is why in this way the red of Teverola screws Pina Picierno

EUROPEAN ELECTIONS. Big brother: he sends his faithful Marco Villano and Nicola Tamburrino to the “pizza” with Lello Topo. This is why in this way the red of Teverola screws Pina Picierno
EUROPEAN ELECTIONS. Big brother: he sends his faithful Marco Villano and Nicola Tamburrino to the “pizza” with Lello Topo. This is why in this way the red of Teverola screws Pina Picierno

There was also Nicola Ucciero who, however, had already left for some time, for reasons we don’t know, the Picierno bandwagon which for 10 years significantly paid him as its political secretariat coordinator. On purpose. It has nothing to do with it, but we take advantage of this article to send our man a personal message, hoping to meet him shortly. Returning to the specific fact, just think about it for a moment, considering that Tamburrino and Villano are perhaps the two people closest to Graziano in the province of Caserta.

VILLA LITERNO (gianluigi guarino). On Tuesday May 7th, the pizzeria “Da Giglione” of Villa Literno hosted a political-electoral meeting, with pizza included, the guest of honor was the candidate for the European elections of the Democratic Party, Lello Topo. This time welcomed by a normal company, unlike what happened when, very improvidently, given that Topo is a consultant, by will of the president Lorenzo Gueriniof Copasir, i.e. the parliamentary commission that exercises control over the activity of the secret services, met, as CasertaCE reported exclusively on 12 March last (CLICK AND READ), inside the Maroder restaurantLago Patria-Giugliano area, on the border with the municipality of Castel Volturno, the mayor of Casapesenna, as well as vice president of the Province, Marcellus

DeRosaa few months ago a man sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for the crime of forgery, his brother, also a Lello, that is Lello De Rosa and a host of entrepreneurs from Casapesenna, including questionable characters to say the least, widely cited in the past in ordinances relating to the activities of the Casalesi clan.

Oh God, a normal meeting, where normality must be supported, integrated by some amendment, by some evaluative supplement that can express it in a precise manner. Normal, because this time Topo didn’t run the risk of crossing paths with characters who had connections with organized crime, but less normal due to the presence of a couple of guests-diners. The meeting on 7 May in Giglione was organized by the Pd section of Villa Literno. The mayor also stopped by for half an hour Valerio di Fraia who, despite not being a member of the party, wanted to demonstrate his interest and helpful courtesy towards those city councilors who are instead members of the Democratic Party and who constitute a significant part of its majority. It is no mystery that Di Fraia is a good friend of Gennaro Olivieroso in these paradoxical somersaults, typical of electoral campaigns based on preferences, the mayor of Villa Literno will find himself voting for Topo, i.e. for the same candidate for whom, as we will now see, fundamental elements of the current Stefano Graziano who is Oliviero’s capital enemy.

This time Lello Topo, unlike what happened in the Maroder restaurant, was not accompanied by his Siamese brother Mario Casillo from Casoria.

There were two faces present that intrigued us: that of Nicola Tamburrino, former mayor of Villa Literno, member of the ASI Steering Committee for years, fresh from several months spent under house arrest for the alleged cases of corruption that took place in the municipality where he wore the tricolor sash. Tamburrino, or rather a single body and soul compared to Stefano Graziano who, precisely through him, certifies his umbilical relationship with the president of the Intermunicipal Consortium of Industrial Areas, Raffaela Pignetti which is a direct creation of Stefano Graziano, as should be explained to those four idiots of the Brothers of Italy who also give it space, as their hypothetical card to be used in the top appointments of the Special Economic Zones, or Zes, whatever you want to call it.

As far as possible, the second name among those present has even more specific weight than the first: it is, in fact, nothing less than Marco Villanoformer deputy mayor, as well as former super councilor for Public Works and Urban Planning of the city of Aversa, where he developed his activity precisely in those sectors affected by the sensational ordinance, signed by a investigating judge of the court of the Norman city, at the request of the public prosecutors Cesare Sirignano And Patrizia Dongiacomowhich ended with the arrest, among others, of the – at this point – former manager of the Technical Office Raffaele Serpicoof the two entrepreneurs Alfonso And Yari Cecereof the surveyor Geppino Minale.

In practice, at the electoral meeting with Lello Topo there were two spearheads (?) of Stefano Graziano, probably the couple of local politicians closest to the Democratic Party deputy.

And this is quite surprising, given that, if in the kingdom of Ely Schlein the orthodoxy that inevitably leads the candidates expressed by the national bodies of the party to the election to the European Parliament will prevail, it is not unlikely, indeed it is very probable, that the third seat, which the polls attribute to the Democratic Party in the Southern constituency, will be contested precisely Lello Topo and the outgoing man Pina Piciernocurrently vice president of the Strasbourg and Brussels assemblies.

Then, one can never say: perhaps Schlein does not apply the same method or does not possess the same abilities as her predecessors and, therefore, we could read a surprising electoral result, bordering on sensational, which sees the two candidates designated by her, that is, journalists Lucia Annunziata And Sandro Ruotoloranking behind Lello Topo and Pina Picierno.

But here we develop the reasoning by taking for granted, until proven otherwise, the confirmation of an orthodox dimension and perspective.

Now, Stefano Graziano, who is attached to Francesco Boccia like Vinavil, allowing himself rare breaks to perhaps go and threaten some of my friends in the Aversa countryside (red, why don’t you bring out the attributes that you don’t have and come and tell me certain things? Let’s see if you have the courage), you will have to vote for Lucia Annunziata and Sandro Ruotolo. In fact, there is no parliamentarian who, with respect to the needs and ambitions nurtured by Stefano Graziano, needs to demonstrate blind obedience to Schlein’s wishes.

The third preference could also be given to Pina Picierno, believing that this is sufficient to reaffirm a solid agreement, which lasted for years and years and which led this newspaper to always look with a certain suspicion, and then with detached disinterest, at the activity of the MEP from Teano, even beyond his demerits, which frankly are not many.

But if Graziano’s two dioscuri, namely Marco Villano and Nicola Tamburrino, show up at Lello Topo’s “pizza”, this automatically also involves Graziano in the electoral fate of the former employee of the ASL Napoli2, of the former mayor of Villaricca, of the former regional councilor, of the former parliamentarian, now a Copasir consultant, all former attributable to a single person, namely Lello Topo.

It may be said: but Pina Picierno can also be voted for together with Lello Topo. This, however, would imply the disengagement of the top exponents of Graziano’s current towards at least one of the two candidates expressed by Ely Schlein, namely Lucia Annunziata and Sandro Ruotolo.

But then, to be honest, we believe that Pina Picierno has always considered Stefano Graziano’s votes, whether many or few, whether they have been or could still be, the backbone, energy, the leading edge of her electoral objectives. Today, Picierno is focused, starting from an orthodox evaluation of the perspectives of Sandro Ruotolo and Lucia Annunziata, on the duel with Lello Topo. If Graziano himself, i.e. the old political partner, the one with whom to fight based on a perspective and an ambition, mixes the cards, then Picierno must worry and also has every right to be angry.

In the hypothetical run-off between you and Lello Topo, in fact, voting for both is like abstaining, or it’s like voting blank. A tie vote. A 1-1 vote. And on the Graziano front, Picierno cannot expect a draw, but she needs to collect many 1-0s, that is, many preferences for her, accompanied by the absolute absence of the name of Lello Topo next to her.

Trusting Graziano is exactly like an act of trust that a henhouse rooster declares the moment he falls asleep peacefully, after a fox told him “don’t worry, I’m allergic to white meat”.

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