Italy 24 Press News

It’s Sardinia Pride day, Fenu: “Diversity is a heritage” | The Interview, Front page

It’s the day of the Sardinia Pride a Cagliari. On Saturday 29 June, starting at 5pm, thousands of people will parade through the city mixing moments reflectionOf party and of civil commitment.

To tell us about the event and everything it represents is Delia Fenuregional president AGedO (Association of Parents of Homosexuals).

The association deals with Helping families accept a relative’s homosexualityto carry out awareness-raising activities in schools and to work to ensure that laws against discrimination and hate crimes are passed in Italy.

What is the importance of Pride in Cagliari?

It is the second most significant event in all of Sardinia after Sant’Efisio. This year we expect a very important influx. We not only fight for the rights that our sons and daughters do not have. But we also fight for the rights that have been achieved. Today there is a resurgence of regression in the political practices of the national government. Fortunately in Sardinia the trend seems to be very different. There are municipalities like Quartu Sant’Elena which has established the civil rights department. Pride is an occasion for great celebration but also for social reclamation.

How did you approach this important event?

We approached Pride with the exhibition “Adelmo and the others”. We wanted it badly: they are photos and stories that touched us very deeply. These are homosexuals sent into exile during the fascist era. We wanted to show what happens when in a society there is non-acceptance of a human condition recognized as such at all levels. I was born heterosexual but I have neither merits nor demerits for being born like that. I was just born with it. Our sons and daughters are some gay, some lesbian, some trans, some bisexual. They didn’t choose to be like this. They only aspire to achieve personal happiness in the world. This is why their affections should contribute to their happiness, removing all the limits that society places on them. Such as working towards marriage equality: many opportunities expected in marriage are denied. Therefore there are no rights for the partner, and especially for the children of homosexual couples. It is very strong discrimination. We often have to rely on the courts to see the simple right to exist in society recognized. Which doesn’t happen with heterosexual couples, even in very difficult cases.

What does the AGedO association in Sardinia do?

As AgeDo we try to help those parents who enter into relationships with sons and daughters at the time of coming out. This disclosure creates a lot of discomfort, with an initial rejection towards their son or daughter who instead turns to them with an act of trust. The path we help to take is that of evaluating the well-being of children is more important than the prejudices and stereotypes that our society has internalized.

Do you have any advice to give to all those who view Pride with prejudice?

I invite you to come closer and see how much beauty Pride expresses. Often the eyes that look, look at what they consider excesses of visibility for clothing. The characteristic of those who participate in Pride is instead to show themselves to escape the invisibility to which society condemns them. The movements have been “seen” because they have “shown themselves”. The moment you see them, take into consideration that they exist. And become aware of their freedom. That’s why so many colors, like those of the rainbow. The world is colorful and they don’t want it to be seen in black, white and gray. Diversity is a great wealth, a great heritage.

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