Italy 24 Press News

Attempts suicide in the passenger compartment of the car with exhaust fumes

Attempted suicide inside car with exhaust fumes: found and saved in extremis by Carabinieri.

Near tragedy, this morning, in the Saletta hamlet of the Municipality of Copparo.

The scenario was almost like a movie since the man himself, to ensure the sad final result, had connected a rubber tube to the muffler of the vehicle and then introduced it into the passenger compartment, sealing the window with adhesive tape with him inside.

The passenger compartment was therefore quickly invaded by toxic fumes, causing the would-be suicide bomber to lose consciousness.

The ending of the story would have had a very different outcome if a call to the emergency number 112 had not been received from a passer-by who realized the suicide attempt.

The Operations Center of the Copparo Company therefore promptly sent a patrol to the scene whose soldiers, finding themselves faced with a scenario with a practically certain and not positive outcome, did not hesitate for a moment to immediately break the glass of the car by removing the tube carrying toxic fumes.

Once the door was opened, they pulled the man out of the car and found that he was now unconscious, pale and with almost no heartbeat or breathing.

But the soldiers did not give up and for twenty interminable minutes they took turns performing cardiac massage in a desperate attempt to revive him or, at least, to try to maintain those minimal vital functions that would not have made the rescue in vain.

A race against time therefore, until the arrival of the ambulance which, although still in danger of life, was able to transport the man to the Cona hospital – subsequently to Ravenna in a hyperbaric chamber – with still a hope of being able to get away , which would certainly have been inconsistent if the intervention of the Carabinieri had not been so timely and decisive.

Tragedy was therefore averted in the small hamlet of Copparo thanks to immediate information given to the “Pronto Intervento 112” number and to a rapid intervention by the military, who went well beyond their normal institutional duties.

7 minutes (the time it took the patrol to reach the scene of the intervention) later and everything would have been in vain.

And although the man is now in the hands of the health workers, it is likely that the altruism and effort of the Carabinieri will allow him to realize that there is always a way out in the help that can be found in other people, without compromising the precious gift of life.

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