Italy 24 Press News

All GdF Toscana numbers. Golden Pegasus Regional Command

All GdF Toscana numbers. Golden Pegasus Regional Command

All Gdf Toscana numbers. Report of the activities within the events for the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Financial Police.

With a military ceremony at the Ridolfi stadium in Florence in the presence of the highest authorities
civilians, military and religious. With the delivery of the Golden Pegasus, the highest honor of the Tuscany Region to the Regional Command by Eugenio Giani, President of the Tuscany Region, to the Regional Commander, the Division General Giuseppe Magliocco.

Golden Pegaso “for the high sense of duty and the constant commitment made to protect the economy, to combat economic and financial crimes, in the organization of various and widespread initiatives for the promotion of the culture of legality. And for the spirit of service ensured to protect our communities which has found further, precious confirmation also in the rescue of the Tuscan populations severely affected by the recent serious meteorological events that hit the areas of Campi Bisenzio and Prato”.

“I am particularly proud of the awarding of the Pegaso d’Oro honor by the Regional Council of Tuscany – said Gen. CA Fabrizio Cuneo, Interregional Commander of Central-Northern Italy of the Guardia di Finanza – which testifies to the lively and active spirit of collaboration that has always distinguished the fruitful relations between the Tuscany Region and the Guardia di Finanza, always aimed at promoting and guaranteeing the well-being of the community. The recent flood emergency was an opportunity to confirm the effectiveness of the synergy between the regional structure and the Corps, having served to significantly reduce the inconvenience of the catastrophic event that hit our region.”

“I express the emotional satisfaction of the women and men of the Guardia di Finanza for this important recognition – said the Regional Commander of the Guardia di Finanza of Tuscany, Division General Giuseppe Magliocco – The Pegaso d’oro represents for all of us the most authentic testimony from the Regional Council with respect to the commitment ensured, on a daily basis, by the Fiamme Gialle Toscane for the fight against economic and financial crimes to protect the economy, the promotion of the culture of legality and assistance to the civilian population”.

Ceremony presided over by the interregional commander of Central Northern Italy,
General of the Army Corps Fabrizio Cuneo, with the participation of a deployment in
weapons representing the specialties of the departments present in Tuscany, of the Gonfalons of the
Region, of the Metropolitan City and of the City of Florence, of the representatives of the sections
of the National Association of Italian Financiers of Tuscany, of the delegations of
combatant and military associations of Florence, of the members of the Corps, of their
family members and citizens.

With practical demonstration on the simulated search and rescue activity in
mountain environment, managed by a dog unit based at the Alpine Rescue Station of the
Financial Police of Abetone Cutigliano.

The budget.

In 2023 and the first five months of 2024 the Guardia di Finanza of Tuscany has
performed 4,148 investigations delegated by the ordinary and accounting judiciary in all
areas of its institutional mission to protect the legal economy, of which 2,598 per
to counteract the infiltrations of economic and organized crime in the economic fabric
and social aspects of the region, to protect families and businesses and to support legality in the
of the industrial and production districts that represent excellence and the “flywheel” of the economy
Tuscan and national.

International tax evasioncarousel fraud, undue compensation, offences
customs and illicit trafficking of petroleum products are some of the most serious phenomena,
dangerous and widespread on which, even in 2023 and in the first five months of 2024, the Departments of
Body have concentrated their attention on counteracting the distorting effects of the
competition caused by major tax evasion and fraud.
In the Region, 1,698 people were reported for tax crimes, of which 29 were arrested.
The value of the assets seized for crimes relating to direct taxes and VAT is over 36 million
of Euro.
There are 51 cases of international tax evasion detected, mainly attributable to
stable occult organizations, foreign-vestiture of tax residence and illicit detention
of capital abroad. Instead, there are 645 total tax evaders identified and 2,200 workers “in
black” or irregular.
In the field of excise duties, tax evasion of approximately 60 million euros was detected.
1,083 interventions to combat customs offences and aimed at reconstructing the
distribution chain of goods illicitly introduced into the national territory, in addition to 4,474
CITES controls, provided for by the Washington Convention, for document control
and the product verification of the endangered flora and fauna species presented for
import and export.

In the illegal gaming sector, 152 interventions were carried out and 262 detected
disputes, including 12 complaints to the AG

In the sector of combating crimes relating to public spending there were 3,099
interventions, 502 investigation delegations concluded in collaboration with the judiciary
ordinary and with the Court of Auditors.
With reference to the undue perceptions of citizenship income, they have been reported
360 individuals to the Judicial Authority for illegally received contributions for a value
of over 2.7 million euros.
In the area of ​​health and social security expenditure, the Departments have carried out 27 interventions,
41 people were reported to the judicial authorities, confirming a fraud of approximately 1.2 million
of euros, following a monitoring of selected disbursements following specific
risk analysis.
Undue perceptions and requests for contributions in the sector of the regional level have been discovered
Common Agricultural Policy and Common Fisheries Policy for over 300,000 euros.
354 individuals have been reported to the Court of Auditors for damages to the public treasury as well as
damages to the public treasury amounting to more than 100 million euros were ascertained.
As part of the activities carried out to protect public spending,
overall seizures for over 40 million euros.

In the field of procurement, corruption and other crimes against the Public Administration,
18 subjects were reported.
In the reference period, in the wake of the memorandum of understanding stipulated in 2022 with the Region
Tuscany (renewed in May 2024) following a similar initiative adopted at central level,
with the common objective of combating any fraud, abuse and irregularities of nature
economic and financial within the scope of the disbursements envisaged by the PNRR, continued
the implementation, by the Corps departments present in the territory, of similar initiatives with
institutions at a local level, consolidating and strengthening the synergies already in place through
controls and exchanges of information.

In the fight against every form of infiltration and financial, economic and interests
entrepreneurs of organized and economic-financial crime, the strategy
pursued by the Guardia di Finanza in the reference period materialized in
seizure of assets worth approximately 12.8 million euros following 82 interventions
regarding money laundering and self-laundering, with 195 people reported and 42 arrested.
In the matter of usury, approximately 87,000 euros were seized from 4 subjects
reported and 2 arrested.
On the prevention front, 2,422 reports of operations were analyzed
Regarding cross-border traffic (entering or exiting the national territory)
Currency and securities worth over 14 million euros were intercepted in the travellers’ baggage,
during 951 interventions which led to the detection of 517 violations e
seize more than 110,000 euros.

With reference to the results achieved in application of the anti-mafia legislation, they were
680 subjects underwent asset checks, with the execution of
seizure and confiscation measures for over 13.2 million euros, and further
seizure proposals for approximately 21.5 million euros.
4,274 checks carried out at the request of the Prefectural Authority in the matter of
anti-mafia prevention activities.
In the sector of protection of the goods and services market, the operational departments have given
execution of more than 132 delegations of the Judicial Authority.
1,092 anti-counterfeiting and anti-commercial abuse interventions, with the complaint
of 309 people. Over 19.6 million items of clothing, bags, and household goods were seized.
leather fashion that is counterfeit or bears a false or misleading indication of origin or provenance,
as well as over 11.4 million unsafe items (consumer goods, electronic products,
toys, drugs, etc.).
112 drug traffickers arrested and over 800 kg of cocaine and 800 kg of hashish seized
and marijuana. In this context the port of Livorno it confirms itself as a central crossroads
in the context of international drug trafficking.

Il Tuscan Air and Naval Operations Departmenta led on the coastal strip of
region 2,520 maritime police and rescue missions, covering 106,647 miles
nautical vessels on operational cruises and rescuing 5 people; carried out 1,680 checks
of police to pleasure, fishing and commercial vessels, during one of which are
over 1,800 sea urchins and
other live fish products that had been fished irregularly.

In the reference period, the interventions carried out by the station Alpine rescue
of the Financial Police (SAGF) ​​of Abetone Cutigliano (PT), with ultra projection
regional also on the Emilian side of the Apennines, there were a total of 63 and
involved the search for 53 people in harsh environments, often with the recovery of
injured skiers and hikers. The operations were supported by the coordinated use of
helicopters of the Pisa Air Section in which advanced technology was used
technologies for identifying people.

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