Italy 24 Press News

“Off-duty inspector called to investigate an accident”

Siulp, the State Police union, is asking for a meeting with Police Commissioner Gianpaolo Patruno and Prefect Isabella Fusiello to address an organizational issue and “highlight the administration’s weakness in finding solutions to known problems”. In light of an episode that occurred a few nights ago. “Around 9 pm – reports Damiano Cioppettini, general secretary of Siulp Macerata – an accident occurred in Macerata. The people involved were taken to the hospital by ambulance. The first car to intervene, in the area of ​​its jurisdiction, was the Police Headquarters patrol car, which however is not authorised to survey road accidents due to the lack of training of its staff and the absence of specific equipment. Furthermore, provisions of the Ministry of the Interior prohibit the patrol car from surveying accidents when (as in this case) there are injuries. Therefore, by protocol, the Police Headquarters 112 operator must find an available car to carry out the surveys. But the Highway Patrol was blocked in a serious accident, the local police patrol was not available, other police forces do not survey accidents in the areas of jurisdiction of the State Police. Therefore, the one who intervened was an inspector from the Police Headquarters (he was at home) who was not on duty and who lives about 40 kilometres from Macerata. All’s well that ends well? In our opinion, no. Without prejudice to the professionalism and availability of the colleague who spoke, to whom we applaud, we do not believe that an institution such as the State Police can rely on “divine providence”. “When operating on the road – concludes Cioppettini – there is a need for certainties, not improvisation”.

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