Why does God allow death?

When we lose a loved one we close ourselves in pain and often, the first one we abandon is God himself. There are those who stop believing in his existence, those who doubt him, those who accuse him. Thus, by ceasing to trust in Him, we end up losing confidence in ourselves too.

This is one of the central themes covered in the booklet “Help me overcome grief” of the Monastery of Santa Rita da Cascia, published by Tau publishing house for the necklace Rita Dailyin which the nuns invite you to process the loss, looking to the Resurrection, moving on to be rebornand, following the example of Saint Rita.

The Gospel teaches us that we cannot avoid pain but go through it together with the Lord..

Massimiliano asks himself, where is God in front of a dying child?

I am a 23 year old guy. I have been having trouble with my faith for a long time, and lately I think I have hit rock bottom. For what reason a child or worse, a newborn baby, who has just begun to experience life must he die before the eyes of his helpless mother? So I ask myself where is God in all this? These thoughts have led me to believe that in reality we and everything around us we are just the fruit of chance. But a part of me refuses to accept this condition.

The nuns’ advice: Read the pain in the light of the Resurrection

Maybe you’re asking yourself the same question as Massimiliano. Only united with Jesus, in the contemplation of his mystery of passion, death and resurrection, we can find the answer.

God did not create us for pain or death, but for eternal life.. The Book of Wisdom tells us that “God created man for immortality; he made him in the image of his own eternity. But through the devil’s envy, death entered the world” (Wis 2:23-24).

But God, who is Father and loves us with an infinite love, sent Jesusso that as a man he could unite with every man and every woman and take upon himself the sufferings of the world. He suffered, he died, but he rose again. Let us learn to read the events of our lives, even and above all the painful ones, in the light of Christ’s Resurrection. Our heart will be filled with hope, joy and love..

How did Saint Rita continue to live?

This is what our Saint Rita did, who even in pain always experienced the love and goodness of God. She lost her husband and children immediately afterwards: two excruciating sufferings that must have torn her soul apart.
How did it go on? Exactly how you can do it, taking the hand that the Lord is holding out to you, precisely to console you and help you.

Of you need to have trust and humility, because only by recognizing our limits can we truly overcome them. Humiliating oneself means taking the first step on the path of seeking the Lord and his consolation, his strength, his love.


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