Italy 24 Press News

Cleaning of uncultivated land, provisions for fire prevention

Cleaning of uncultivated land, provisions for fire prevention

The Municipality of Perugia has adopted provisions relating to the cleaning of uncultivated land for the prevention of fires and health and hygiene hazards. This is what ordinance no. provides. 950 of 24 June. Until October 15th, first of all, all private individuals and entities ownerstenants, owners or holders of areas in the municipal territory are required to remove easily flammable dry vegetation along the perimeter of buildings and on the borders of roads, for a strip of at least 20 meters wide.

Furthermore, in the same period, those who, for any reason, are owners of cultivated, grazed or uncultivated land, adjacent to railway lines, have the obligation to keep the land clear, up to 20 meters from the nearest rail, from sheaves of wheat, dry herbs and any other combustible material and not to use the same land as forest, up to 50 meters from the nearest rail.

Finally, the aforementioned interventions must be carried out whenever necessary necessary to avoid the occurrence of such dangerous situations. Violations of the ordinance will be punished with an administrative fine of 25 to 500 euros.

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