Italy 24 Press News

Fioretto spouses crime, involving a Calabrian. Defense consultant appointed

PAOLA «We have appointed as a party consultant in the proceedings on double homicide Fioretto-Begnozzi Professor Emiliano Giardina.” This was said by the lawyer of the Paola bar Giuseppe Bruno, who defends with his colleague Marco Bianco Umberto Pietrolungothe 58 year old from Cetraro, accused of being one of the two responsible for the double murder of the Vicenza lawyer Pierangelo Fioretto and his wife Mafalda Begnozzi, committed in 1991 in Vicenza. «We are still waiting to receive part of the documentation on which Professor Giardina’s consultancy will be based», added the lawyer. “In the meantime, let’s see what happens at the Review hearing tomorrow.” Pietrolungo’s lawyers have appealed, contesting both the inexistence of the circumstantial framework and the precautionary measure in prison issued by the Vicenza investigating judge. The professor Giardinageneticist and professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, he was an expert witness in the Yara Gambirasio murder case, the thirteen-year-old who disappeared on 26 November 2010 and was found murdered on 26 February 2011 in a field in Chignolo d’Isola, about 10 kilometers from Brembate di Sopra. The Vicenza Prosecutor’s Office, based on the progress of forensic science in terms of ascertaining DNA profiles, has managed to link the genetic code found on some artefacts collected in Vicenza at the crime scene to those which emerged during judicial police investigations carried out by the law enforcement in Calabria and in Liguria, the region where Pietrolungo resided for a long time.

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