Italy 24 Press News

Animal rights activists are calling for an urgent ordinance to save chained dogs from heat and fires

Italian animal rights associations are putting pressure on the regions to issue an urgent ordinance to ban the keeping of dogs on chains.

This appeal is dictated by the need to protect animals from high temperatures and the risk of fires which could cause them terrible suffering and, in the worst cases, death.

Regions without adequate legislation

The regulatory situation regarding the keeping of dogs on a chain varies considerably between the different Italian regions.

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Currently, Liguria, Sardinia and Sicily they are the only ones that do not have any legislation prohibiting this practice.

Other regions such as Val d’Aosta, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Province of Bolzano, Molise, Basilicata and Calabria have laws on the matter, but these are considered insufficient by animal rights associations.

The appeal of the associations

As the initiative reports FreedomForDogs,, the associations Green Impact, Cave Canem Foundation And Animal Law Italyunited in the coalition #Freefromchainssent a letter to the presidents of eight regions and an autonomous province to urge the adoption of more severe measures.

These organizations argue that aregional summer ordinance to ban the chain it would be in line with the criminal legislation on the protection of animals and with the Italian Constitution, which includes the protection of animals among the fundamental principles.

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The consequences of the lack of regulations

The absence of adequate regulations puts the lives of dogs at riskespecially during the summer months, when temperatures can reach extreme levels.

Animals kept on chains are unable to take shelter from the heat or escape fires, which can lead to untold suffering and often death.

The situation in Europe

In Europe, countries such as Austria, Germany and Sweden have already implemented regulations prohibiting the keeping of dogs on chains, demonstrating a level of significantly higher animal protection than in Italy.

These examples should serve as a model for Italian regions that have not yet adopted adequate measures.

It is essential that all Italian regions adopt an ordinance as soon as possible that prohibits the keeping of dogs on chains. Only in this way will it be possible to guarantee the safety and well-being of these animals, in accordance with constitutional principles and criminal animal protection regulations.

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