Italy 24 Press News

Gds: “Palermo, Miriam investigated for the death of her son”

Today’s edition of “Il Giornale di Sicilia” focuses on the tragic accident that occurred on the Palermo-Sciacca road last weekend.

The investigation into the tragic accident with two victims along the Palermo-Sciacca highway continues and the girl driving while intoxicated has ended up under investigation for road homicide and personal injury. Miriam Janale, 23 years old, of North African origins and resident in San Giuseppe Jato, is under investigation for the impact on Saturday night near Giacalone, in which her 16-month-old son, Abd Rahim Gharsallah, and her granddaughter lost their lives. Selma El Mouakit aged 20. The young woman driving the Fiat Punto is accused of being incompetent for having driven with a blood alcohol level of 1.35 micrograms per liter in her blood, almost three times more than the legal limit of 0.50.

The test was performed in the hospital, where Miriam Janale had been transported in red code after the impact. She has already been discharged from the intensive care unit and has returned to San Giuseppe Jato, from where she left for Tunisia yesterday. The very young mother, who learned that she had lost her son in the accident, is deeply upset and, if she allows it, will be assisted by a team of psychologists from the ASP, with the collaboration of the municipal administration led by Giuseppe Siviglia.

Based on the reconstruction of the facts carried out by the carabinieri of the Monreale company, who are following the investigations, on Saturday night the girl had driven the Fiat Punto after having spent the night among the Palermo clubs in the Piazza Sant’Anna area. With her, in addition to her son and granddaughter, there was a friend of hers, Chiara Irmanà, 21 years old, in the eighth month of pregnancy, who was slightly injured. Friends and relatives of Miriam Janale do not believe that the young woman had drunk excessively and maintain that the crash against the guardrail was caused by a moment of distraction. Chiara Irmanà, sitting in her back seat, would have let her talk. Miriam would have turned around and inadvertently turned the steering wheel, ending up crashing. Next to her, on the front passenger seat, were her niece with her baby in her arms, who were thrown out of the passenger compartment. The sign, according to investigators, that the young woman and the child were not wearing a seat belt.

The military have already listened to the injured passenger to obtain testimony about the tragic night and are carrying out further investigations to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident in every detail. According to the investigators, the collision which ended in tragedy may have been caused by the fact that the young woman behind the wheel was not completely lucid, due to the cocktails she had taken during the evening in the clubs of the historic centre. Miriam Janale, who lost her son and granddaughter in the crash, is now under investigation for vehicular homicide and injuries.

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