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Conferral of honorary citizenship to Father Carlo Fadale and Father Alfredo Damiano Cingolani, ceremony yesterday in the Mother Church (VIDEO)

(AGENPARL) – Rome, 24 June 2024

Conferral of honorary citizenship to Father Carlo Fadale and Father Alfredo Damiano Cingolani, ceremony held yesterday in the Mother Church. Forgione: “Their presence and their commitment are a gift for our community”
Yesterday morning, in the Mother Church of Favignana, in the presence of civil, religious and military authorities, the ceremony conferring honorary citizenship on Father Carlo Fadale and Father Alfredo Damiano Cingolani took place. The two priests stood out for their extraordinary spirit of service and constant commitment to the Egadine community. Through their dedication, Father Carlo and Father Damiano represented a spiritual and moral point of reference, becoming symbols of altruism and generosity. Last October 10th the City Council, in acceptance of the Council’s proposal, decided to confer honorary citizenship on the two priests.
“Their presence and their commitment, not only as pastors but as people alongside the least, the needy, the sick, the prisoners, were a gift for our community”, says the mayor Francesco Forgione. “Entire generations have benefited from their generosity and support. I believe that the deepest meaning of this honorary citizenship, desired by many citizens, is precisely this: the recognition of the generosity, humanity, spirit of service that Father Carlo and Father Damiano have given to our community, a significant part of our history and our identity”.
“Father Carlo and Father Damiano were close to every single person in our community with pure and true feelings,” says the president of the city council Emanuela Serra. “They shared joys and sorrows with us, providing important support to all those who needed it. On behalf of myself and the entire city council I want to publicly thank them.”
During the ceremony, a message from the bishop of Trapani Pietro Maria Fragnelli was also transmitted inside the church, who complimented the mayor, the administration, the city council and the entire community for the initiative.
Father Carlo and Father Damiano, visibly moved, heartily thanked everyone present and the entire community, declaring themselves proud to be honorary citizens of Favignana.
Francesco Forgione
Mayor of Favignana – Egadi Islands
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