Italy 24 Press News

«Dad, you are and will always be my hero»

PIOVE DI SACCO (PADUA) – Via Rosario Livatino. The Zinelli family lives at number 9. Only a few hours have passed since the tragic death of Andrea, who turned 44 a few weeks ago: the shutters of the windows are closed, on a Sunday afternoon in June where even the sun has hidden from view, behind the clouds, almost as a sign of respect towards the family members of the young dadyet another road fatality.

The accident in which Andrea Zinelli died

Andrea had left the house only a few hours earlier: at dawn he had started driving his car, a Fiat Punto, as he had used to do for years to go to work in the factory of the Acciaierie Venete company, in the industrial area of ​​Padua on the French Riviera. It is believed that he was going to take the Strada dei nurseries, which arrives right at the gates of the city of the Saint. At home early in the morning were his wife Lenny Meneghin, collaborator of the Antica Trattoria Al Bosco in Saonara, and their two children, 21-year-old Sofia and a 17-year-old boy. A united family who in a few minutes saw their lives turned upside down with the police knocking on the door with the dire news and the partner who had the heartbreak of recognizing the body.

The pain of the family

Lenny is courteous, but evidently still stunned by what happened. She can only utter a few words: «Andrea was a great worker and a husband and father loved by me and my children, as well as him. he loved us very much. She leaves us an unfillable void. He was going to work, he was an electrician and had been at Acciaierie Venete for almost twenty years.” The Zinellis are originally from Piove di Sacco and for some years have lived in via Livatino, a new area of ​​the Sant’Anna district, after the couple got married in 2003. Andrea and Lenny had settled here, convenient for his work in Padua and hers in Saonara, as well as for their children’s school, since in Sant’Anna there are all the high schools, but also the other schools of the obligation. A life dedicated to family and work that of the Zinelli couple, which did not prevent them from also having good relationships in the city, where on some occasions they frequented the clubs in the historic centre. The many attestations of affection towards Andrea Zinelli and his loved ones that have arrived in these hours are a clear testimony to the esteem in which the man enjoyed. The message that her daughter Sofia sent to social media last night was heartbreaking: «Hi dad, take care of us from above. You are and always will be my hero.”

The condolence

Mayor Lucia Pizzo, who also lives in Sant’Anna, expresses the condolences of the entire city: «We are close to the Zinelli family in this tragedy that all its members are experiencing. We will stay close to them in person, making ourselves available to them for any needs they may have.” The tragedy that took Andrea’s life comes on top of another recent serious loss experienced by the small community. Precisely in Sant’Anna, just under a year ago, on 27 July 2023, Simone Matterazzo, a boy of just twenty years old, lost his life in Chioggia while riding his motorbike he was returning home from work: an accident that had greatly disturbed the community of Piacenza, in particular the parish of Sant’ Anna, where the Matterazzo family lives and works. We are now awaiting investigative developments on the accident that cost the life of the 44-year-old father: the body remains available to the judicial authorities and in the next few hours it will be understood whether the Prosecutor’s Office deems it necessary to proceed with an autopsy before returning the body to the family to organize the funerals.


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