Italy 24 Press News

tomorrow Giovanni Toti, still under house arrest, meets Piana, Giampedrone and Scajola –

The first meeting between is scheduled for tomorrow, Monday 24 June Giovanni Toti and some local Ligurian political leaders.

The meeting, which will take place at Toti’s villa in Ameglia, has been authorized by the investigating judge Paola Faggioniafter the favorable opinion of the Genoa Prosecutor’s Office.

Toti, garlic house arrest from 7 May last for corruption, will have the opportunity to confront the interim president of the Liguria Region Alessandro Piana and the councillors Giacomo Giampedrone And Marco Scajola. The presence of Toti’s lawyer, Stefano Saviis expected during the interviews, while the Guardia di Finanza will be present outside the villa to guarantee safety and control access to participants.

The meeting, which will take place late in the morning, will be followed by a press point organized in Luni, to answer journalists’ questions and provide updates on the meeting.

This is the first of three authorized meetings, each lasting a maximum of three hours. The dates of subsequent meetings have not yet been established. In the next meetings, Toti will receive the regional coordinators and secretaries of the parties that supported him: Edoardo Rixi (League), Matteo Rosso (Brothers of Italy) e Carlo Bagnasco (Forza Italia). Another meeting will be dedicated to representatives of Noi Moderati, the national leader Maurizio Lupi and the deputy Pino Bicchielli.

The meetings were requested to allow Toti to make political evaluations, a generic formula that leaves open the possibility of also discussing possible resignations. Piana and Giampedrone specified that regional policies will be on the agenda, with particular attention to the budget adjustment that the Regional Council will have to approve in July.

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