Italy 24 Press News


12.02 – Sunday 23 June 2024

The ceremony falls on the 150th year since the birth of the Fiemme Corps. The Tesero Fire Brigade barracks has been inaugurated
“The institutions continue to invest in the structures and equipment of the Fire Brigade as their interventions become increasingly important”. These are the words of the President of the Province Maurizio Fugatti at the inauguration of the Tesero Fire Brigade barracks. A ceremony with a double meaning as this year the 150 years of the foundation of the Corps are also celebrated with a party that will liven up the town for two days.

After the parade along the streets of the town accompanied by the Tesero Social Band, the firemen’s procession led by the president of the Federation of Volunteer Fire Brigades of Trentino Luigi Maturi, the commander of the Tesero Fire Brigade Sergio Delvai, the first citizen of Tesero Elena Ceschini and the president of the Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme Fabio Vanzetta reached the barracks square for the ritual ceremony.

“The renewed barracks – explained President Fugatti – will guarantee the Tesero Corps greater efficiency and more suitable and functional spaces for activities. The Province, the Municipality, the local authorities must continue to invest in fire brigade equipment and buildings to adapt them over time to their needs and requirements as their interventions are of ever greater importance”.

There are 28 policemen and three aspirants active in the Tesero Corps. The barracks works involved the portion of the building dedicated to the garage, the retaining wall and the parking lot. Completed in 2019, also due to the pandemic the inauguration was postponed to today. “The renovation works on the barracks – declared Commander Delvai – were more necessary than ever, due to water infiltrations in the garage. Thanks to the contribution of the then commander Ciro Doliana, of the two municipal administrations that followed one another and of the Province of Trento, today we have a beautiful and functional barracks. Today, however, we are also celebrating our 150th anniversary, a remarkable achievement. Since that April 24, 1874, many years have passed and many things have changed; the firefighters of Tesero have experienced difficult times: two world wars, fires and calamities up to the terrible tragedy of Stava and the Vaia storm, but the spirit that animated the firefighters of that time is the same as today. Now it’s our turn to pass on this spirit of volunteering and service to the younger generations so that our story can continue.”

“An important event – ​​stated Luigi Maturi – and also deeply felt by the community. 150 years of activity are truly a long time and I hope that the Corps can continue on its path for a long time. The inauguration of the barracks, however, represents a fundamental step for the Corps which can perform an even better service. However, the barracks must also be a place of involvement and a point of reference for the community as it was during the Vaia storm and Covid 19″.

The party will continue tomorrow too: throughout the day the barracks will open its doors to visitors and the little ones will be able to have fun and learn some secrets of the Fire Brigade in the “Fireman for a Day” activities.

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