Italy 24 Press News

Lazio, Baroni asks for a Cabal full-back, the first on the list

A shirt available (maybe), for at least four names. Baroni would like a left back from the next transfer market, Lazio would prefer to satisfy him only in case of sale of Hysaj. The Albanian, however, is unlikely to say goodbye, he is fine in Rome, he still has one year left on his contract and every intention of respecting it, to take advantage of his opportunities with the new coach. Consequently, the Biancoceleste club finds itself at a crossroads: on the one hand, the possibility of satisfying its coach regardless, investing in a role that is already covered in terms of numbers; on the other, the option to remain as it is now, confirming the package of full-backs available (Lazzari, Marusic, Pellegrini and Hysaj) and possibly postponing purchases in the department until the next season.

The goals on the flanks

A choice that will also depend a lot on the type of investment you intend to make and which at the moment has led various profiles to be associated with Lazio, more or less of the same economic value. Starting from Colombian Juan Cabal of Verona, who Baroni obviously knows very well and who he would gladly coach in Rome as well: the relationships with Setti and Hellas are as always excellent (as confirmed by the choice of the new coach) and a general negotiation is already open, although not in depth to all effects. The 23-year-old remains the favourite and the market value is around 6 million (the Verona club had bought him last summer for 4 from Atletico Nacional). At the same time, it remains an objective Scottish Josh Doig (1.98 tall) of Sassuolo (another former pupil of Baroni at Bentegodi): the neroverdi – relegated to Serie B – paid him 6 million euros to Verona (plus one bonus) last January and to sell him they would like at least the same amount, if not more.

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