Italy 24 Press News

SPRING | Lazio, the championship regulations change: all the news

The new rules for the Primavera championship have been made official, in force starting next season: here’s how the regulation changes

There Lazio Spring is looking forward to the new season after the excellent year just ended. In the meantime, the official announcement arrives: the regulation relating to the Primavera championship changesthat will become under 20. The class of 2005 will be able to take the field without being considered out of quota. If there will be no numerical restrictions for 2005, the situation regarding those outside the quota is different. Only one can be usedwithout age limits, for the entire regular championship except the last 5 days and the playoffs (as already in force). In the list of 22 players at least 8 must be Italianjust as many instead “local”that means have at least two seasons in Italy under your belt. An important change for what concerns Sanderra’s Lazio who could have in their squad next year 9 footballers born in 2005: Magro, Di Tommaso, Nazzaro, Milani, Bordon, Zazza, D’Agostini, Dutu and Sardo. On the latter, discussions continue for the renewal of the contract (expiring on June 30th).


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