Italy 24 Press News

Farewell to judge Stefano Venturini, who died after the serious motorcycle accident

Judge Stefano Venturini, a 63-year-old originally from Tagliacozzo, didn’t make it. The man was involved in a serious accident in Rome, while on his motorbike he was reaching the Court of Appeal.

Yesterday evening there was a slight improvement, but the fractures reported and the trauma to the head were fatal: there was nothing that could be done to Stefano Venturinithe 63-year-old judge died atSant’Andrea hospitalwhere he had been transferred following the very serious accident in which he was involved while on his way to Court of Appeal. Mourning in the Marsica, not only in Tagliacozzo: Venturini was well known due to his activity.
For many years,
Before to begin work in the Court of Appeal, in the capital, in 2016, he had worked in Court in Avezzano. Then the new job in Rome began for him.

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Motorcycle accident, judge Venturini serious

There were many messages of condolence after the news of his death arrived in the evening. This is how the mayor of Tagliacozzo remembers him, Vincenzo Giovagnorio:

“Terrible news hit our community a short while ago, the sudden death of Stefano Venturini. Many of us were worried about the serious accident that occurred yesterday on the streets of the capital, but for which we were all confident in a positive outcome. […] Stefano, for the friends of his generation and for many of us affectionately ‘Patata’, beyond his brilliant and considerable career as a magistrate, had to face events that usually seriously mark the continuation of existence and which only thanks to his balance, his calmness, his serenity of mind, his uncommon intelligence and cultural preparation he managed to metabolize and accept, making the most of it for a realistic and profound understanding of human existence.

Having witnessed, in his youth, the car accident and death of his friend Andrea Blasetti; having found his father lifeless; having suffered the sudden death of his younger brother Paolo a few years ago, due to an accident on the Cristoforo Colombo while he was jogging, are certainly situations that indelibly mark the strongest souls in an election of common sense and wisdom.

When a man is called to judge other men according to the law, he must certainly possess exceptional qualities of commensurate with normative respect, humanity and a sense of justice. Stefano had these charismas! And he had enriched them by having been educated in values ​​inspired by respect for the person and human dignity in any case. Stefano ‘Patata’ is part of that generation of people who always remain young and this is how we all want to remember him: a boy who, despite many pains in life, was able to fully realize himself with his family, with a prestigious and delicate profession, in sport , in society and in culture. Expressions of closeness and condolences from the municipal administration of Tagliacozzo and my personal ones.”

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