Italy 24 Press News

Two gunshots against the bedroom window: 54-year-old reported

Two shots fired at the bedroom window. It was the landlady who called the police, specifically the officers from the Licata police station, who had heard noises the previous evening, but she was not alarmed. Having made the discovery in the morning, the 54-year-old, incredulous and in shock, could not help but launch the SOS.

The officers, who know the area and its inhabitants, immediately began investigating and shortly afterwards carried out at least a couple of house searches. And in one of these bullets compatible with those that exploded against the house were found. The 54-year-old from Licate was then reported, in a state of freedom, to the public prosecutor’s office of Agrigento. The crimes contested are threats, aggravated damage, illegal possession of cartridges, but also persecutory acts. The weapon, which would have been used to fire those two shots, has not been found.

Between the victims of the warning and the Licatese referred to the judicial authorities, it seems, there are issues linked to economic interests that have been dragging on for some time. Apparently, already in the recent past, more complaints for persecutory acts have been formalized. However, the investigations by the police officers from the Licata police station are continuing. The agents are trying to clarify some obscure points.

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